48. Super Trouper

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Inspired by ABBA's song, Super Trouper.


"Sirius, are you feeling any better ? The show's in 12 hours, we still have time to cancel."

The singer folds and unfolds his little origami crane. "It's fine. I can't let everyone down. It's alright, I'll deliver."

"But a sick you won't deliver as well as a healthy you. If you want to call it off, just say the word."

"I'm fine. I'll be fine."

He hears James sigh and the door shutting with a thud.

Sirius was seated slumped in his dressing room below the stage. The managers told him to stay in the hotel and heal with a doctor but he declined. Thinking that being near the stage might help him get in the mood.

It's been weeks of touring and moving from one country to another. In Sirius' head, everyone's feeling the same. Sick, nauseous, done and tired so he isn't going to be the cry baby and ruin everyone's hard work. He'll suck it up and pull through.

The managers (particularly James) didn't like this obivously. Their star was in a hazy muted yellow instead of a glimmering gold. The staff saw for themselves. It was as if Sirius had a switch, turning euphoric on stage then a numb ghost off stage.

Peter, as his personal assistant, tried many things. Taking Sirius sightseeing, playing games. Heck, he even got the best chefs in town to come along and cook his favourite food.

But anywhere they went, Sirius would take pictures and look at them longingly. He wasn't as competitive as he used to be on Mario Cart and everyone knows nobody beats The Sirius Black in Mario Cart. The food ? He'd only put a little on his plate and let the other staff take the rest.

They asked Sirius, as bestfriends not as managers. James, who knew him like a brother, couldn't understand what's happening. Frankly, neither did Sirius.

Peter thought maybe it was a case of "homesickness". Sirius quickly shook his head. He wanted this tour, he wanted to travel the world and experience life on the road. This was his dream.

James pats his shoulder. "But physically, nothing's in pain right ?"

"That's the problem." Sirius shrugged. "I don't feel anything."

"We'll rest on that for now. If anything changes, tells us and.." Peter was at loss. "We'll think of something."

Sirius stands up. "Yeah, I gotta.. call Remus anyways."

He slips into his bunk and makes the call.

The tour bus isn't exactly the best place to call. There was not an ounce of privacy in that car. James and Peter tries though. They get outside and stop anyone from going in, saying the bus was being cleaned.

"Hey." The voice crackled.

"Hey." Sirius felt himself smile for the first time in days.

"How's my little star doing ? The last time I checked, you went viral on Twitter. My moots were raving to me about you."

Sirius chuckled. "Nah, it's..."

He thinks of a few words. Boring ? Exhausting ? Wild ? Exciting ?

"-it's how it is. You know what goes on backstage right ? Yeah, but it's like that 24/7 for the last 4 months."

Remus sighs. "I asked about you baby. Not the tour. How are you feeling ?"

Honestly, his best buddies had a talk. Remus knows Sirius isn't feeling all that Sirius-like. No matter how hard he asks, Sirius will either change the topic or glaze over it.

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