40. Gay Awakening

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From across the room Remus sees Sirius.

Of course, everyone sees Sirius. It's quite hard not to. The man's got some sort of halo, making it impossible to ignore him even in a crowded room.

Lucky for Remus, everyone's attention might be on Sirius but they can't do a thing, they're not his boyfriend afterall. Remus smirks to himself at the fact.

He returns to the talk he was having with the girls and Frank. They had an idea for a group summer vacation to Europe. It seems the Euro train 2 week backpacking experience is a rite of passage every Hogwart's university member has to go through.

Remus nodds along, adding a few cities he'd like to visit. He talks in his own name but the group knows the History major is a hopeless romantic for a certain English Literature major. It's not a coincidence each town he proposes has a historical as well as romantic spots to go to.

His eyes wander over Lily's shoulder. To the jocks talking of the upcoming game season. Sirius was chugging beer left and right, a reminder that soon he'll have to go through a strict athletic diet of greens and protein, with zero alcohol.

They've been dating for a while now and Remus is used to how Sirius looks. He's handsome, as everyone with a good eyesight could tell. But to Remus he was.. splendid. He could stare at him talk animatedly from a distance and never get bored.

All that until Sirius sets his drink down and starts combing his long wavy hair back to tie it up.

Again, Remus is used to it. He'd seen Sirius in all sorts of hairstyles. He's used to the Classic Founding Father low pony Sirius does when it gets hot. He should be used to it by now.

Instead, Remus' brain shuts down. His sight blurs everyone else but Sirius. His mind had those cheesy sound effects. He could hear George Michael's Careless Whisper playing.

"...Aaaaand he's not paying attention." Malene sighs. She follows his line of vision and nodds. "Understandable."

"What ? What's he- oh.. it's Black." Dorcas follows Marlene's nodd. "Understandable. Now where were we ?"

The group continues their discussion without him. Remus snaps out of it as soon as Sirius finishes his hairdo. In a flustered fit, Remus wipes his face with his palm. As if that'll help the blush or his racing heartbeat.

If someone's been staring, you're bound to feel their gaze. Sirius looks up and meets Remus' eyes. He mouths a simple question, "You okay ?"

Remus' mouth fell agape. Is he okay ? Is his sanity still intact ? No. Definitely not. For sure, no. He answers with a shake of his head. Sirius' concerned smile became a look of worry.

He excuses himself from the group. At the same time, Remus says he needs fresh air. The group doesn't believe one second of "fresh air".

Lily coughed. "Fresh air or sharing Sirius' air ?"

Frank snorted, diverting his attention to the floor. Remus gives Lily a look but his ears give him away by turning bright pink.

"I want to hear nothing Evans. Nothing !" He covers his ears and walks out.

Luckily, the students' living space has a balcony to escape to. That way they're still part of the commotion inside but a distance away. Sirius turns to him the moment he hears the sliding doors open.

"Are you okay ?" He repeats his question.

"Sirius, I am a homosexual." Remus announces.

They stand in silence, letting the information set in. Sirius couldn't hold it in any longer and bursts out laughing. He grabs blindly to balance himself from  how hard his was shaking.

"Oh God ! I know that love." Sirius grins. "I wouldn't let you hold my waist like this if I knew you were straight."

Remus blinks dumbfoundedly. "I just.. have that realization everytime I look at you."

"Am I your gay awakening ?" Sirius teases.

"Would you call it a gay awakening if I get the thought everytime I see you ? Wouldn't it be a Gay Reminder ?" Remus shrugs.

Sirius slots himself on Remus' chest. He loves these random moments, feeling how close they were together. He sighs.

Everything was so right. From the way they fit, their complimenting heights to how easily Remus envelopes him. Like he was a human made just for Sirius.

"You're like a post-it in leather. Telling me "Remus ! Don't forget ! You're a raging gay for one Sirius Black !" Remus says in a high pitched voice.

Sirius wanted to choke him for ruining the moment.

"You're terribly annoying for putting that image in my head." He grumbles. "But you're forgiven because you're in love with me."

Remus nodds with a pleased smile. With a palm on Sirius' hair, he bring the smaller's head closer to his lips for a peck.

"Yes yes, I'm love you." Kiss. "Very much." Kiss.

Sirius giggles, getting a little flustered as he was reminded they were in public and people are staring Remus !

From inside, the separate groups have merged into one. All of them teasing the couple.

"Tsk. Some of us are single !" Lily groans.

James slides to her corner. "I can change that." He winks.

Marlene pretends to gag. "The day Jily and Wolfstar goes on a double date, is the day I'm dropping OUT!"

Well, not their fault they're stupidly in love.

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