15. Professor Lupin

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"Oh did you get DADA on Monday ? LUCKY !"

The Slytherin peers over her friend's shoulder to the schedule parchment in her hands. The Hufflepuff sighs.

"Damn not on a Monday ! I've got Herbology before his class, I'll look pasty and smell like fertilizer !"

The Slytherin rubs their arm. "At least you got him on a Monday, I got him on the last day of the week ! I gotta wait 5 days!"

Remus smiles, overhearing their conversation. It's nice knowing that his students look forward to his lessons. It means he's doing a good job.

"Oh shush shush he's coming." The Hufflepuff elbows their friend.

"H-hi Professor Lupin." Both of them says as he passes.

"Hello, signed up for DADA ?" He asks even when he knows the answer.

"Yeah ! See you then professor !"

Remus chuckles and waves at them. His werewolf hearing catches quite an odd exchange after that.

"Oh Merlin. He's so cool." The Slytherin says.

The Hufflepuff exaggerated their sigh.


The professor would like to say his first class of the year was a success. The students were enthusiastic and involved throughout the lesson. They'd eagerly step up if Remus asks for a volunteer.

He raves about it later to his teacher friends. The older professors listens fondly as they share a magic bean cake. McGonagall gives him a plateful of biscuits, now her student is teaching too !

The day ends nicely but there's no time to relax. He's got homework to grade and classes to plan. Not too long into the night, a soft knock startles him.

"It's open !" Remus tells the guest.

"Professor Lupin ? It's Dean."

Dean Thomas, Harry's grade, Gryffindor. Remus' brain is graciously helpful tonight. He ushers the boy in, letting him sit on the sofa.

"Do you want tea? Your Head of House gave me some cookies." He smiles.

Dean takes the oat cookies. "She makes the best cookies."

Remus remembers his Gryffindor days. When he's too weak to lift his head after a moon, the professor would sneak a chocolate chip cookie to his lunch. Much to Pomfrey's protests.

"I know. Lucky me she sends me these every Christmas."

Dean gasps, fully offended. "That must be nice." He says in mock sarcasm.

"Anyways, I'm sure you didn't come here for free cookies." Remus sat across him.

The fire crackled softly between them. Dean doesn't know what magic Remus had casted in his office, it always smells like marshmallows toasting and baked goods.

"Yeah professor.. can I ask something personal ?"

Remus stills. Could this boy also know his secret ? My how bad is he exactly at keeping secrets ? Well, Hermione wasn't a surprise. When she expertly (and privately) broke down her analysis on Remus' wolfy behaviour, Remus beamed proudly instead of getting angry at her.

"Sure Dean. What can I help?"

Dean's eyes stared down to his cup. His frame became small and shy. "Is it okay to... like your own bestfriend Sir ?"

Oh. Remus relaxes. This must be about that Seamus kid, he thought. Unlike the Potters (plural because James' son is as obvious as he was), Remus could tell from the "accidental" brushing and how they constantly sit next to each other.

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