Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: I am re typing this version and fixing some mistakes as well as adding more! It will read a lot smoother and be so much better once I'm done! Enjoy!!! XOXO Thank you for all the support I promise its worth the wait and read!

     I looked at myself in the mirror, deciding to go casual/cute the first day of school. Wearing a white tank, distressed blue jeans along with my favorite pair of black and white chucks. I put some mascara and lip gloss on before running the brush through my long dark hair, letting it lay straight. Satisfied with what I seen in the mirror I walked out of my room, down the hall. I see my mom passed out on the couch, with 3 empty bottles of Jack Daniels on the coffee table next to her.

Sighing, I grab the bottles, throwing them away. I took the blanket from the back of the couch covering her up while studying her face. Ever since my dad died, she can barely function on her own without self-medicating or drinking till she can't anymore. I don't think she will ever feel any peace at this point, or if she even wants too. After placing a small kiss on her head, I grabbed my car keys and walked out the front door. I hit unlock as I approached my black 2020 Impala and plopped in the diver's seat. Gosh did I love this car. It took a year of saving my paychecks to buy her, and I made sure to treat her like my baby. I looked in my bag making sure I have everything before tossing it on the passenger seat and pulling off.

The whole drive to school I told myself to stay positive, that as long as I focus on my grades and myself, I can figure out how to escape this hell hole of a town. My phone pulled me from my thoughts as I heard it ringing from my bag. There was no need to look at the screen as I answered because I already know who it is.

"Bitch you better be here on time, it's the first day!" Grace screeched through the phone. She is always so peppy and bubbly, even at 7:30 in the morning. Her looks matched her bright personality with her long blonde hair and deep green eyes that popped against her tan skin. She was thin yet fit from all the years of cheerleading.

"I'm pulling in now" I replied letting out a small laugh. Conveniently I live right down the street, but that didn't stop me from being late almost every day last year. Honestly, without Grace these last two years, I don't think I would've made it to senior year at all. 

After pulling in I looked around for a spot where no one would hit my car. I parked in the back and grabbed my stuff before looking in the mirror one last time. I jumped out and headed toward the front entrance. 

As I walked in the air conditioning washed over my face as I passed through the double doors. I made the first right then a left down the next hall to my locker to grab what I needed for my next 3 classes. Once I was done, I pulled my phone out to check the time, seeing there were only 3 minutes till the bell rang for first period. Luckily it was only English, the easiest subject there is to have. Heading down the hall, I walked into room 201 and seen Grace sitting in the back with a smile spread across her face as she patted the empty seat next to her. Rolling my eyes with a smile I went to sit down.

"So I checked both of our schedules and we have 1st, 3rd and study hall together." She said with a perky tone. She's a little OCD but in the loving kind of way, if that makes sense. Even though we were complete opposites we helped keep the balance in each other's lives. 

"Do you have lock out?" I asked her. "I only needed 4 more credits this year to graduate so I get to leave after study hall, 5th period"

"Yes, same here, but I need to be back for practice, so I'll probably stay in coaches' office and help out while I do my work." She explained "you know... you should join the team again" she threw out at the end nudging my arm.

I quickly shake my head no "This year is all about grades" I said giving her an excuse that wasn't completely a lie. 

But if I was being honest, I just didn't have the energy for it anymore. My dad never missed a game, or practice and it's just not the same anymore. Then there's my mom; I don't want pity for having a messed-up home life anymore, so I keep a lot to myself now. Even from my amazing best friend who would probably do anything for me.

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