Chapter 24

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Lexi POV

   A car door slamming shut made me jump, I wasn't dreaming or sleeping it was more like my brain shut off forcing the mental break from all the pain. My arms felt completely numb at this point leaving all the pressure in my shoulders and back. I forced my feet to tip toe so I could try to brace myself for what's coming while my heart picks up speed with each breath. 

   The door swung open, dim light from the sun rise crept in allowing the shadows of my visitors to appear. 

   I lifted my head in my own brave attempt to show I wasn't broken, earning a laugh from one of the men. A man's tone and voice I didn't recognize. 

   His face slowly surfaced the closer he got to me, his blonde hair slicked back accenting his bright blue eyes and white teeth. He was normal height, with tan skin. Although, his features didn't match the devilish ora that followed him. 

   "Hello love" he said as he looked me up and down while Pete came up behind him with the remote in his hand. 

   He pressed one of the buttons releasing my right arm from the chain's grip. My legs and feet to weak to catch myself leaving all the pressure to my left arm. I heard a pop then felt a sharp pain shoot down by shoulder and back causing me to scream in pain. 

   "Oops" is all Pete said as the other man laughed before he released my other arm sending me to the floor. I gripped my left shoulder trying to ease some of the pain from it popping out of place but nothing was working. 

   "I hate crying" the blonde said as he walked towards where I was laying. "So I suggest you shut up, get up, and follow me to the car quietly. Or everything you've been through already will seem like a walk in the park." he said with an evil smile. For some reason his words hit harder than anything Pete had ever threatened, I knew to listen to him if I wanted to stay alive. 

   Giving everything I could I used my good arm to push myself to my knees as I grabbed the bucket pushing myself up to gain momentum as I rose to my feet. I stood there wobbling as I looked the mystery man in the eyes.

   "Hmph, you're tougher than you look" he said to himself as he turned and walked out of the barn. 

   Pete reached and snatched me by my hair, sending another pain down my scalp and neck. 

   "Walk to the car, get in the back, and shut the fuck up" is all he said before practically dragging me outside. 

   After he threw me in the back of the black BMW I pressed myself against the door as much as I could, hoping it would make me invisible to the two ruthless men getting in the front seats. Blondie was sitting in the passenger seat and Pete was driving, I had no idea where we were going. The pain in my shoulder increased as the car moved and turned. Using my right arm and held the left as delicately as possible trying to brace myself for anymore turns or bumps along the way.   

   Neither of them spoke, I'm assuming so I wouldn't hear any important information. Then again, I also don't think I'm making this out alive. A small glimmer of hope twinkled in my chest, hoping they wouldn't want to cause a war with Kole and his family. Meaning I would be kept breathing until they get what they need. 

   All I knew for sure is that they weren't going to get that information from me. They've taken enough from my life, my dad, my mom, my home, my peace of mind. Even if it did kill me, I will never  give them the satisfaction of getting what they want. 

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