Chapter 21

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    The sound of horns hoking brought me too a little, I tried bringing my arm up to grab the side of my head that was pounding but I couldn't. I wiggled my arms which caused my wrists to burn, thats when I realized my hands were tied behind my back. I panicked a little trying to move my body when I noticed my ankles were tied too. 

   I squeezed my eyes shut ok ok ok calm down and breath bitch I kept repeating to myself. I tried to focus on the noises around me instead of the pounding of my heart. I heard cars, and it felt like I was riding in something. Am I in a trunk? I asked myself. What the hell is going on? We must have went over a bump or pot hole because my body was thrown around, sending a jolting pain through my legs and arms.  

   Oh no, Kole! The wreck.. I felt the fear come back full force sending me into a panic attack, my heart racing, I was sweating and trying to catch my breath. Did whoever take me kill him? If not then did the wreck? Or maybe they kidnapped him too? 

   I couldn't even think straight, I could barely breath. The only thing that kept popping in my head was how the fuck did this happen?  

Kole POV

   I was in the hospital when I woke up with my mom and dad by my side. I didn't move yet I just focused, replaying every moment up until this point. I felt pain all over my body and side of my head, my left hand was wrapped up as well. 

   "Lexi" I said out loud catching my parents attention as they looked over at me. I notice tears in my moms eyes as she came closer to the bed, my dad right behind her with worry written all over his face. 

   "Where is Lexi?" I asked looking up at them. They both gave each other a small look before turning back to me. 

   "We don't know sweetie" my mom said rubbing my arm as the tears ran down her face. 

   "What the hell do you mean?" I asked trying to sit up, but a sharp stabbing pain filled my left side and I fell back onto the bed clutching it. 

   "You need to rest Kole, you have 4 broken rips a sprang wrist and bruising up and down your entire body. We've been trying to locate her. You can't do anything to protect her while your in this condition" My dad said trying to sound calm, but the worry in his voice was there. 

   They are going to kill her once they get what they want, Pete will torture her until she talks. Just the thought of it all sent my heart rate sky rocketing making the monitors around me go off, and a nurse rushed in to my bed side. 

   "Sir you need to calm down" she said to me

   "You need to fucking release me" I spat back unable to control my rage. "How long have I even been in here?" 

   "Only a few hours, you'll be released today after the x-rays come back making sure your lungs weren't damaged during the rip fractures." She replied calmly. 

   I swallowed the knot in my throat and took a deep breath as I tried to regain my self control. The adrenaline rushed through my entire body, I could feel my hands shaking as I tightened them into fists at my side. 

   "I'm fine you can go" I said to her as calmly as possible. She looked back at my parents for confirmation and my dad nodded his head. 

   Once she left the room I looked over at them "What exactly happened? I remember wrecking, a guy with a black truck rammed into us causing the car to flip. But I was out after that" 

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