Chapter 37

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Lexi POV      2 days later

I was so hungry it felt like my stomach was hollow, my mouth is so dry it makes it painful to breath. Every time I swallowed my throat burned, followed by how painful the stomach cramps were getting. My lips were so dry I could feel them starting to crack, my tongue was so dry that licking them only made it worse. 

At this point I'm going to starve to death, I've been here for a while now. I think I pissed Tommy off so bad with our last conversation that he's trying to teach me a lesson, even if it kills me. 

I've been fighting myself on how to act, I could fake give in to him so he could treat me better. OR I could stand on what I said and slowly die, it became harder and harder to choose as time went on. 

After a few more hours I finally made a choice, if I wanted to survive long enough for Kole to save me again, I had to suck it up and play a roll. 

"Tommy!" I screamed "I'll listen! I know you're only doing what's best for me now, I didn't see it before, but I do now!" I finished as guilt ran through my body. "Tommy!! Save me!" I screamed in anger again. Common crazy pants, come get me! 

Koles POV

"Its been days and I've searched every building I knew of that Tommy had control over, and still nothing. At this point I was ready to kill whoever and do whatever to figure it out. My parents headed to our hotel earlier to get some rest, but I can't even think about anything else. I had to find her, and now I'm only left with one option, which is act completely crazy. 

Without a second thought I was already heading to their home. It was time for me to take it to the next level, it was time to start making him pay for what he's done. I sent my location to Robby for reassurance before shutting my phone completely off and throwing it in the glove box. With one hand on the wheel, I used my other to load my pistol. I was only a few minutes away now, I took multiple deep breaths trying to calm the adrenalin rush I was feeling. I needed to be careful, I couldn't make any mistakes. 

I parked about a mile down the street, blending in with the employee parking. Throwing my hood over my head I walked toward their luxury condo building. I made sure to go in through the fire exit before jogging up 10 flights of stairs, of course they lived on the very top floor. After a few minutes I finally made it to their level, I pulled my gun out fixing the silencer and cocked it as I leaned against the door. They always had at least one guard by the door, and most likely their main man Chuck inside. 

Opening the door as quietly as I could I crept down the hallway, all my senses on high alert. Luckily for me the guard wasn't paying attention as I moved toward him lifting my gun up shooting him once in the head. I quickly grabbed him before he hit the door, moving his body off to the side. I made sure to grab his key card to unlock the door. After I swiped it I let the door swing open before walking in to lure the other guard my way. It worked perfectly, 

"Do your job right!" I heard him yell to the now dead guard next to me as he walked in the doorway, his eyes grew wide once he realized what was going on. He tried to grab his gun, but it was too late, I shot him point blank then rushed past him. 

Tommy's mother and father were sitting in the front room with shocked expressions on their faces as I walked over to them. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" his dad said standing up. I put my gun on him signaling him to sit back down while I got a little closer. 

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