Chapter 17

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Current Time

   Kole and I stood in the living room with his parents as he explained what happened while we were gone. 

   "He has to know we are involved somehow, if he's still moving in on her then he's moving against me" Kole said with anger filled in his voice. 

   "Calm down son" Alaric said as he held his hand up to his chin thinking over everything he's been told. 

   I reached and interlaced my hand with Kole's trying to provide some kind of comfort in his rage. I've never seen him like this before. 

   "Okay take a breather and lets re group in an hour after you hear from Robby and I get some shit together" Alaric said before turning and heading into the kitchen,. Laurena gave us a small smile before following him. 

   I turned looking up at Kole, seeing his jaw was clenched along with is tense shoulders. I squeezed his hand tighter bringing his eyes to mine. His face softened, he lightly tugged my hand guiding me upstairs to his room. After we walked through the door he shut it behind him, and went to where his T.V was hanging on the wall. I watched to see what he was doing,

   "Look I'm going to show you a few things so if someone ever tries to come in here, you can protect yourself incase something happens" he explained in a soft voice. 

   "Okay" I said still watching to see what he was going to do next. He reached up behind the T.V and pulled down a gun. 

   "I keep one fully loaded and ready to go behind the TV, in the bottom right hand side of my closet in the black Nike shoe box, and one more in the bathroom under the sink in a holster at the top.... I don't want to scare you but I want you to be ready. This situation got a lot bigger than I originally thought it was, so my concern for your safety has tripled in the last 20 minutes." he said as he put the gun back where it was.   

   He was right about one thing, I was scared. Not of the guns or him but its Pete. Hearing his name and letting it sink in brought back memories I didn't even know I had. I know for sure my father was involved with him because he showed up at my house looking for him, the day after I met him at Gregs house. 

   "I think I've met the Pete guy before, he showed up to my house the day my dad died. He was looking for him and said he couldn't get ahold of him or Greg. I also ran into him at Gregs the night before that picking up Grace for a sleepover" I said sitting down on the couch. "He knows exactly who I am so whats taken him so long to do something about it? I don't understand that." 

   Kole sat down on the sofa seat across from me as he took in what I said. 

   "To get to me" he said to him self while he was in thought. 

   "What about whatever info Greg's been looking for that my dad has on him?" I asked trying to connect the dots but I was still extremely confused. 

   "I don't doubt your dad had proof of whatever illegal business Greg was doing. My guess is when Tommy and his family came under investigation by the feds your dad got caught up in it. So whatever your dad had on Greg he probably wanted to use to save his own ass. Pete probably caught wind and well you know" Kole explained looking up into my eyes. 

   So Greg isn't the one that killed my dad, it was Pete. He obviously scares the shit out of Greg and thats pretty obvious, he was even before my dads death so I can only imagine now. Still no excuse for his actions but that made more sense. 

   "So I take it from the look on your face you were betrayed in all this as well?" I asked. I could see a mix of emotions on his face, but I know him well enough now to know hes hurting. 

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