Chapter 8

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     After I told Kole's parents what the caseworker said I left to head to Graces house. I wanted to stay longer and talk with them, but they understood I had to go handle this with her. I've called Grace plus texted her a few more times while I was on the way to her house but no reply. Is she really that mad at me? Have I really been that caught up in my own life that I wasn't being a good friend? So many questions flooded my mind as I pulled up to her house. 

     Once I parked by the curb I walked up to her front porch. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the front door, while taking my phone out to text Kole and let him know I made it. I put my phone back in my bag, sitting it down on the ground next to me and started knocking again. I know they are here I see their cars in the driveway, so why is nobody answering the door? I put my hands in a cup up against the glass window trying to see in the house, hoping her dad or mom would notice me so I could come in and talk to her but nothing. I walked over to the garage jumping up to see through the little opening when I noticed a figure standing by the door inside that leads to their kitchen. I looked around trying to find something that can help me get a better look, until I remember they have a window on the side I could easily reach. 

     I crept around the side of the house crouching down by the window peaking in through the side of glass focusing my gaze on the figure I saw. It was Grace's dad. He looked like he was arguing with someone, but I couldn't see who without switching my position. So instead, I pressed my ear against the wall trying to hear what they were saying. 


     Was he talking about me? I've never heard him raise his voice in all the years I've known Grace, I don't think I've ever seen him mad either. 

     "I'm sorry dad I'll do better!" Grace cried back at him sending a funny feeling down my spine. "She thinks I'm mad at her so I'm sure she will come around eventually to make it right!" 

     "I don't care how you figure it out, but by the end of this week you better get the information I need or I'm going to prison! Do you want that?" he said in a calmer tone but his words were full of hatred mixed with fear. 

     "Of course not!" She yelled. 

   They continued talking but I tuned them out at this point; slowly moving away from the window as I reached for my phone only to realize I didn't have it. I looked around not seeing my bag either. Shit. I left it by the front door like an idiot I remembered mentally kicking myself for it. So as calmly and quietly as I could I got away from the window heading back toward their front door. As I finally reached my bag digging around in it for my phone, the door swung open causing me to jump. Looking up I seen Grace staring right at me, her emotions unreadable. 

   "What are you doing?" she asked with a straight face crossing her arms. 

     "I've been knocking, I wanted to talk to you" I explained keeping my voice steady, holding up my phone. "Was just about to call you for the 20th time today so you could come to the door". 

   I notice her mask waiver for a slight moment with what could possibly be a hint of guilt? But as quickly as it came it left, she uncrossed her arms setting one on her hip.

    "Well I'm mad at you! Things have been really distant with us lately and I hate it. I miss my best friend and I've been feeling really alone" She said lying straight through her teeth.

    It took everything in me not to punch her right here, but I swallowed the anger and pulled her into a huge hug. 

    "I never want you to feel like that, I'm sorry I've been so selfish lately dealing with all my drama. You know we are best friends for life. I always have your back." I said before releasing her from the hug. 

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