Chapter 9

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     I spent the rest of the school week faking my friendship with Grace. I'm not going to lie, it was harder than I thought it would be. I still feel so betrayed and the worst part is pushing my feelings about my dads death to the side. The nervousness and anxiousness I felt about the sleep over tonight was weighing heavily on my heart all day. As Kole and I walked to his car after school I stayed quiet, thinking about how I was going to get through this. 

     "You're going to be fine, I'll be right across the street" Kole said as he tried to reassure me. 

   "I know, I just can't stand being around her anymore now that I know our whole friendship is probably some twisted lie." I replied looking out the car window. 

   "Anyone who is stupid enough to take you for granted doesn't deserve you in their life. And after we figure out what's going on you'll never have to deal with her again." he said. 

     I swear he always knew what to say and when to say it. It was almost like he could read my mind at times. It helped me more than he would ever know. I glanced over at him as he focused on the road, he had a perfect jaw line with smooth skin and long eyelashes which enhanced their color. He glanced over at me for a split second as he turned on our street, sending butterflies through my stomach as our eyes met. My phone started ringing causing me to break our eye contact. I pulled my phone out of my bag to see it was Grace calling. I rolled my eyes before answering the call.

    "Heyyy" I faked with a happy tone. 

   "So, what time you thinking tonight? Like 7ish?" she asked in her usual perky voice. 

   "Yeah, that works. We can order pizza and watch the notebook; I need a good cry." I said trying to sound as normal as I could.

    "Souds perfect, see you soon" she said before hanging up the phone. 

     Kole didn't say anything as we pulled in the driveway and got out of the car. As soon as he opened his front door, I smelt good homemade food. Laurena is definitely cooking something up for dinner. 

   I went to my room after saying hello to his parents, setting all my books along with my homework on my desk so I don't forget to do it this weekend. Next was to my closet. I glanced over my clothes wondering if I should wait to shower at my house or not. A knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts.

    "Come in" I said as I walked out of the closet into view. 

   It was Laurena, greeting me with a smile. I matched her smile as I sat on my bed patting the space next to me so she could sit.

     "I just want you to know, if at all you feel uncomfortable or unsafe tonight you call Kole and come back home. Don't put yourself in unnecessary danger, we will figure this out either way." she said. 

   Before I could reply Kole gave a small knock on the door frame before walking in. I noticed he had a concerned look on his face. I'm sure with his family's line of work has come with many dangers so he's thinking the worst. I shifted my focus back on Laurena.

    "Of course" I replied with a reassuring smile before getting up and heading over to my bag pulling out my spare house key. 

   "Here, my door is still unlocked from the last time we were over there, keep this just in case you stop hearing from me and need to get inside." I said handing the key to Kole as I looked from him back to Laurena. Kole looked over the key in his hand as he walked over to my bed taking a seat on the end. 

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