Chapter 31

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Kole POV 

Thursday Night (3days later)

Lexi fell asleep fast after dinner, I think it was all her nerves about flying to out to Florida tomorrow. She made sure our bags were packed perfectly, she didn't even let me fold any of my stuff. I think organizing is her way of dealing with the anxiousness. To her it felt like the days were dragging by, but to me it went fast. I have such a bad feeling I can't shake, I don't want to tell her about it because how positive and optimistic she's been since meeting Dave. She's finally moving forward from all the trauma, as well as her worries about Tommy and Pete. 

Thats the thing though, she doesn't know them like I do. Pete will do whatever Tommy says, and Tommy... is a wild card. His odd obsession with Lexi is more than just a game to piss me off, not anymore at least. He found something he likes in her, mix that with is mental instability plus serious mommy issues it doesn't mix well. The last time he acted this way toward a girl was our freshman year of high school. He became fascinated with his dad's receptionist, so he tried to ask her on a date. She of course said no because of the age difference which pissed him off. So he stalked her for months, kidnapped her, and tried to make her fall in love with him. Obviously it didn't last long, his dad found them a week later and paid her off. I never seen her after that. 

Tommy was less experienced and young then, now... he's a lot more heartless and cut throat about things. Especially getting his heart broken or not feeling like he's in control at all times. He thinks everyone, especially women should bow at his feet. 

Lexi turned a little in her sleep pulling me from my dark thoughts as I glanced over to her. She looked so peaceful, her eye lids lay shut showing the length of her eyelashes. Her skin clear and smooth pairing perfectly with her hair as a few strands laid against her cheek. She was beautiful inside and out, and probably the purest soul I've ever met in my life. 

 I already wanted to kill him after Lexi was kidnapped but I thought trusting my dads plan was the right move. In some ways it was, but he needed to be handled. Even his own dad knows he's a psychopath, that's why he didn't fully retire the business to him when the feds opened their case. 

I sigh heavily before slipping my shirt off and climbing in bed next to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. It was like an instant reaction for her to wrap her arm around me and cuddle up to my side, throwing her leg over mine before falling back into a deep sleep. 

Anytime she's in my arms I never want to let go; she's so different than anyone I've ever met. Just thinking about everything we have been through together in the short amount of time is pretty mind bowing, like we were meant to cross paths in life and find eachother.  

Maybe Florida is the best option for us now, its a good way to get out of the way and even change our identities if we have too. Keeping my family away from the feds and us away from Tommy until I can figure out my next move. It's going to be hard to leave her side at all knowing he could pop up at any minute now that he's creeping back around. He might not be here initially for Lexi but he's going to make sure he sees her before going back home, I can feel it. 

I shut my eyes taking in the scent of her strawberry shampoo, feeling my body relax as the calmness took the place of my restlessness. Slowly drifting to sleep. 

Lexi POV

It only took the first buzz of my alarm to wake me up. My eyes shot open as I sat up stretching before reaching over for my phone shutting it off. The butterflies filling my stomach almost immediately as I thought of what was ahead for the day. 

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