Chapter 14

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Lexi POV

   After last night I never asked what Kole talked to his father about, because I knew he would tell me if I needed to know. I trust him. I now feel more aware of my surroundings and how to deal with people after being lied to for so long and being completely clueless. I'll never let that happen again.  

   We went through our normal morning routine together for the first time in what felt like forever, meeting downstairs for breakfast after we showered and got ready. Laurena and Alaric were already sitting and talking as they ate their food. Seeing the way they moved together, how they communicated and loved each other was a huge breath of fresh air. When one moved, the other moved without even realizing it. They truly were a team, and I admired the family they built together. 

   "Good morning you two" Laurena said flashing her teeth in a wide smile. 

   "Good morning" we replied in unison as we took our seats. 

   "So lets get to it, I made some calls and I'm waiting to hear back on a few things before its time to send you two back to school. Until then its good that you start getting out of the house together, we need to see if they are going to tail you at all. It also shows your trying to be normal and move on instead of hiding like you know something more about what they have going on. Kole and I are going to take watch at night, in shifts to watch Gregs movements around the house. Lets stick to those things for the next 2 days and see where it gets us." Alaric explained as we ate our food.

   "What should I do if Grace tries to come up to me and talk to me? Do I act normal or let it show how much I hate her?" I asked genuinely wondering in case I'm put on the spot. 

   "Well its safe to say she knows you want nothing to do with her. She's also aware of you knowing her dad used her to get information from you" Kole reminded me. 

   Thats true, I forgot I went off on her before I found my mom thinking I caught her snooping. Which is probably what she was doing, if she didn't have anything to do with her actual death. I'm going to make sure I figure that out at the end of all this. 

   "You just focus on staying safe and let us figure out the rest for now okay?" Laurena said in a warm tone "Once we know exactly who is involved and what they think you have against them then we can move forward. 

   I nodded my head and returned the smile as I finished my food. I was way hungrier than I thought, it was probably my body catching up on the lack of everything from after my moms death. Then a pang of guilt slammed through my chest, it was almost like being stabbed in real life causing me to drop my fork on the table. Kole looked up at me with concern all over his face

      "Are you okay?" he asked immediately 

   I put my hand over my chest swallowing down the knot that formed out of no where in my throat. "My moms been dead for 5 days" I managed to say as I kept the tears at bay that threatened to come to the surface. Everyone at the table looked at me with confusion and worry in their eyes. "I haven't even put together a funeral. Her body's just been sitting in the morgue" 

   Silence fell over the table, I don't think anyone knew what to say. Hell, I didn't even know what to say or why it all just hit me like that. But one thing for sure, is that I feel absolutely terrible that I haven't even thought about a funeral or putting her to rest. 

   "Try not to be hard on yourself sweetie, you have more than the average person does going on in your life right now. It shouldn't be your responsibility to put that together anyways. I can help" Laurena offered 

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