Chapter 25

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Lexi POV

   When the airport became visible my hands began to shake, were they taking me out of state? Or even out of the country? I don't know where the sudden bravery came from but I knew I had to try and escape. 

   The car went behind the airport to a private lot, with a private plane open and ready to board. When I scanned the area I only seen one man standing at the bottom of the planes steps. I looked to see if my door was unlocked, but it wasn't. 

 Okay, okay, Lexi think. I said to myself feeling the panic set in as the car came to a stop. The doors all unlocked after Tommy opened the drivers side to get out. I opened my door as quickly as I could throwing my legs out to run not bothering to shut the door behind me. About 3 strides in I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head before being yanked back to the ground. I reached up and grabbed the hand attached to my scalp trying to ease the pain as he dragged me all the way to the steps of the plane. I was a little shocked when he pulled me to my feet allowing me to walk up instead. 

   "Common bitch we are in a hurry" Pete growled in my ear as we walked up, entering the plane. Tommy went and sat in his own chair by the window while Pete walked over and threw me on the ground. He pulled out a few zip ties from his pocket and zipped my wrists together in front of me causing my arms to throb from the bruising that formed after hanging from the chains, on top of my dislocated shoulder that ached anytime I moved. When he bent down to tie my ankles Tommy cleared his throat 

   "That's not needed Pete. Relax and bring her over here." he said calmly as he looked down at his phone. 

   Pete was looking just as confused as me when he snatched me by my arm and brought me to the chair across from Tommy. He took the seat next to me, you could tell he was unsure if I would fight back or not still. 

   "Your life has been spared, do you know why?" he asked looking at me with darkness in his eyes. 

   I shook my head, not sure what the right answer would be so I didn't say anything at all. 

   "Kole has come to his senses and he's bringing my father and I what we've been looking for. I must say though, I'm half temped to keep you to myself." he said looking me up and down sending a wave of chills down my spine causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. 

   "But alas, I can't risk war with your little boyfriend right now." he said still looking at me as he stood up and leaned closely to my face, gripping my jaw tightly. "Pete's been telling me how stubborn you are... and how brave you've been at the face of danger and death. I haven't seen anything like that from someone who didn't grow up like we did. From your beauty to your back bone I'm starting to realize why Kole is going so crazy right now trying to find you." he said as his alcohol covered breath splashed on my face from how close we were. I glanced at Pete who was watching Tommy's every movement with a smirk on his face. 

   "I thought you were friends though" I stuttered as I looked back up at Tommy. 

   He let out a loud laugh before tilting his head back dramatically "The moment we became old enough to start training to take our father's places I've looked at him as only competition. It's just business love" he said cockily before turning my head to the side and placing a kiss on my neck. 

   Oh hell no. I tried jerking my face away from him but his grip was too tight. "Don't worry my love.. after this is all over I'm going to come back for you. I promise" he whispered in my ear before letting me go and taking his seat again. 

   Pete's phone ringing caught my attention, he answered but didn't say much before hanging up the phone again. 

    "They are already in rout to meet us at the airport. Their plane should be landing a few minutes after ours" Pete said to Tommy who was taking another drink of scotch. 

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