Chapter 4

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     The smell of bacon woke me up the next morning. I opened my eyes glancing around Koles room. I didn't see him on the couch, so I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I noticed a new tooth brush some girl body wash, a razor, deodorant, lotion and a hairbrush with a towel on the sink. Next to that was a small stack of clothes with a note on top; Thought you might need some stuff, don't worry my mom helped. -Kole 

    I smiled lifting up a small cropped black T with dark grey fitting Nike leggings. I didn't realize what he meant by don't worry until a plain black bra and thong appeared under the pants. My smile grew even wider, Kole and his family really know how to make someone feel welcome. 

     After taking the hottest shower possible I felt a lot better. I washed my hair, scrubbed my face and body before shaving. Once I got out, I brushed my hair and went through my morning routine. Then I put everything neatly away under the sink in its own corner so it wouldn't be in Koles way before leaving the bathroom. When I reached the steps, a small knot formed in my stomach as I faced my reality, and that my mom left a huge mess for me to figure out. I took a deep breath as I walked downstairs following the smell of food still lingering in the air. When I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with a warm smile from who I assume is Koles mom. 

    "Hi honey, my name is Laurena. Alaric and Kole tole me what happened last night. I was out of town for work. I made breakfast if you're hungry" she said in a motherly tone. I nodded my head as she led me to the table to take a seat where a plate was already made along with a big glass of orange juice. 

     Kole and his dad walked in from the back yard taking their seats as well. Kole is sitting to my right, he smiled at me before taking a bite of his food. I cleared my throat looking around at everyone.

    "Thank you, all of you, really. I appreciate everything more than you know" I said.

    Laurena who was sitting to my left reached over giving my hand a squeeze, "You don't have to thank us sweety. We are just glad your safe." she replied with a warm smile showing her pearly white teeth. "And if you don't want to tell us about what happened you don't have too, but I would like to ask you? We want to make sure you will be okay if you go back home" Laurena asked with a concerned look on her face. Kole and Alaric sat silently as if waiting for me to reply. 

      I swallowed the bite of food I had in my mouth before taking a drink of orange juice debating on what I should say. Deep down I know I can't handle all of this on my own, especially with my mom being MIA. Staying with Grace isn't an option even though her parents are nice and accepting of me and my situation But I'm sure they don't want their daughter caught in my messes for the rest of her life. So I guess in this situation I have no choice but to tell my families drama. 

   "Well after Kole and I finished studying, I got ready for bed. I laid on the couch to fall asleep since I was a little nervous being alone. The sound of glass breaking in my mom's room is what woke me up. The two men were throwing things around while arguing with each other about what they were looking for. I hid until they went back to my room so I could make a break for the front door. But one thing I did hear while they were arguing is that whatever they needed they were willing to kill me for it." I explained glancing up at everyone. 

   I notice Kole tense up but Alaric shot him a look before turning his attention back to me. 

   "I think my mom might have left because she was scared of them, I guess she just didn't care enough to take me with her or at least warn me. I honestly don't know anymore." I added with a small sarcastic laugh hoping it would help keep the tears back that were slowly building up. 

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