Chapter 7

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     Kole walked in a little after I woke up from my nap, bringing my attention from the wall to him. 

   "I really needed that nap" I said as he walks over toward me with a plate in his hand. 

   Smells like Laurena made something good for lunch. I'm so grateful for how they have welcomed me, I just feel so guilty at the same time. He took a seat on the bed sliding the plate over to me. 

   "When you're ready my parents are downstairs and we came up with a plan" he said looking over my face, scooting the plate even closer hinting that he wanted me to eat. I reached for the fruit tossing a grape in my mouth as I contemplated what he said.

    "I don't want to be a burden on your family" I said honestly not making eye contact. 

   "Stop saying that" he said standing up making his way to the door. He turned to look at me before he walked out "I'm always going to be here for you Lexi." he said gently shutting the door behind him. 

     I rolled over looking at the window, taking in a deep breath dramatically wiping my hands down my face. I can't just lay here and be sad like my mom always did, if I want a better outcome then I need to get up and face whatever's coming head on. 

     After 5 different pep talks to myself in the mirror I got myself together and finally headed downstairs where Laurena, Alaric and Kole were sitting in the living room watching T.V. Kole looked at me as he patted the space next to him on the couch inviting me to sit down without saying anything. I smiled at his parents as I walked by taking a seat next to him. Laurena turned toward me after a few moments passed.

    "I hope you don't mind Kole telling us what was going on, but we managed to figure something out." She said with a warm smile as she got up to walk in the kitchen.

    I glanced at Kole with a curious expression while we waited for her return. "We had our lawyer draw these up, and if you're okay with it we could be your temporary legal guardian's until your mom is back home." she said handing me the papers in her hand. 

     The shock is what hit first as I read over the paperwork seeing that it was real. Were they really that good of people to take me in like this and want nothing in return? They have welcomed me with such open arms since the night of the break in with no questions asked. Even now they aren't hounding me about where my mom is or the deep issues that come with it. 

   "I'm sure a lot is going through your mind" Alaric said as he stood up next to Laurena, "You don't deserve to be pushed around in the system while your mother is getting sober. You are more than welcome to make yourself home here until that happens. Plus, you'll be safe." he said putting his arm around his wife. 

   Without hesitation I stood up and wrapped my arms around them both. "Thank you". 

     "No thanks needed" Laurena replied as I released them from my embrace. 

   You could tell Alaric isn't used to random hugs from people by the look of surprise on his face. It made me laugh a little on the inside. I turned around to face Kole. 

   "Don't think you're getting out of here without a hug either" I joked walking over to him while he stood up allowing me to wrap my arms around him. I knew I didn't have to explain what I was feeling, because he understood. He's had a front row seat the last few days of the real me, not allowing it to sway his opinion. That meant the most. 

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