Chapter 11

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 Lexi POV

    When I woke up I was wrapped in Koles arms, my head was pounding and my nose was stuffed up. Then just like that it hit me, the wave of pain crashing back down crushing my chest. 

    "No" I said to myself squeezing my eyes shut as they burned from the tears started running down my face.

    "Shh its alright" Kole said pulling me closer. I buried my face into his chest crying while he rubbed my back. 

    "I can't believe she's gone" I said in a whisper. It didn't feel real even saying it out loud. Flash backs of seeing her dead body kept appearing in my head with the needle hanging from her arm. I started crying a little harder, this feeling was unbearable. 

    "If I would have just stayed awake I might've heard something, or seen something. Maybe I could've saved her" I said into his chest. 

    "Don't do that to yourself Lexi, there isn't anything you could've done." Kole replied in a soft tone. 

    "I don't know what to do anymore" I cried

    "You don't have to do anything right now except grieve." he said running his fingers through my hair. 

    He was right, I don't know where to go from here though. How could she leave me like this? How can I move on knowing I never got to say goodbye, or knowing that the last conversation we had was an argument. 

    Looking back on it now I wish I would've just sat and pretended with her, had dinner and acted like things were normal for five minutes. Guilt overcame me at the thought of it, losing my dad was such a terrible time but it was nothing like this. Watching my mom spiral gave me something other than his death to focus on. My time and energy went to her, and trying to save her from herself. I really wanted her to get the help she needed, thinking this time would be different from the past. Now she'll never get the chance, I can only pray she found the peace she desperately needed.

    I brought my mind to the last good memory I had with her, before my dad died when we were still a family. Back when we had family night and watched family feud as we ate dinner, seeing who could guess the most answers. 

Just for a moment, I felt a little bit of happiness. I grasped onto that feeling as tightly as I could falling back to sleep. 

Kole POV

    My phone vibrated in my pocket pulling me from my thoughts. I grabbed it seeing it was 3am, Lexi has been in and out of it since yesterday morning. She hasn't stayed awake longer than an hour at a time before crying herself back to sleep. Seeing her this way knowing there was nothing I could do to take the pain away was really pulling at me.

   Opening my texts I saw it was Robby, he found something. I glanced down at Lexi and slid out from under her to make my way out of the room to call him. 

   "Hey brotha" Robby answered 

   "Hey, what you find?" I asked 

   "This girl better be worth it, because it could bring heat on you if you get further involved in this after what I found." he said with caution in his voice. 

   "Just tell me" I said 

   "Well Greg Dimpsy is a petty crime boss, money laundering through his old company he shared with none other than your girls dad... Now her dad seems like a clean dude, I didn't find anything illegal on him other than a parking ticket. So I hacked his emails to see if I could find something on him, and I'm glad I did. He had a secondary email that he used to contact an anonymous person, I'm still working on figuring out who. Because whoever it was, was helping him build a case against Greg. He somehow found out all the shit he was doing with their company and set some kind of plan in motion to take him down. The last email he sent was after the meeting the night he died, to the unknown person. He said he recorded him confronting Greg about what he's been doing, getting him to confess to it all. Said he was going to meet with mystery guy to give it to him, but never made it" he explained

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