Chapter 10

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     "Lexi!!" Grace cried out again. "I called the police we need to get out of the house!" 

     I ignored her, tears were burning my eyes as they continuously roll down my face, my ability to breathe completely gone. It felt like my chest was caving in, like the world literally stopped in this moment. When I opened my mouth it wasn't words that came out, instead it was a blood curdling scream. My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest while the knot in my throat gets bigger with each breath.


         I don't know what woke me up but when I opened my eyes I sat straight up, looking over at an empty space where Grace was supposed to be laying. After rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock seeing it was 6am. A light from my mom's room poured into the hallway catching my attention. Was she finally home?

     Throwing the blanket off my body I stand up stretching before making my way toward her door. Grace was standing in there, not moving as if she was frozen staring straight ahead. 

   "Grace? You looking for something?" I asked cautiously as I walked over to her. 

   She turned to me with tears in her eyes, "Lexi you can't come in here" she said grabbing the door to my mom's room trying to shut it, but I quickly held my hand out stopping her from closing it the rest of the way. 

   "What are you talking about? Did you find what daddy was looking for?" I spat out growing angrier that I just caught her red handed somewhere she wasn't supposed to be. Conveniently where the robbers started searching when they broke in. 

   A shocked expression spread across her face after my comment, her eyes even wider than they were before. "I can explain all that Lexi, but please! This wasn't him, we need to call the cops" she said as a few more tears rolled down her cheek. 

     Rolling my eyes, I shoved past her into the room before stopping dead in my tracks a couple feet ahead of her. There she was, my mom laying with her eyes wide open staring into the ceiling. I took another step closer.

    "Mom?" I asked quietly watching for any sudden movements, but there weren't any. I sprinted over to her jumping on the bed, grabbing her shoulders "Mom!" I yelled this time but there was no response. "Come on don't do this to me, wake up!" I said again shaking her shoulders erratically. Her body felt lifeless in my grasp, her arm dropping on the bed. Thats when I see it, the needle shoved in her vein was still hanging there. My hands started shaking uncontrollably as I started CPR, "Wake up!" I said over and over as I did chest compressions "Mommy please wake up!" I cried pulling her head into my chest rocking her back and forth. I squeezed my eyes shut. "No, no, no, no" I cried into her hair, taking in the scent of her shampoo as I try to wrap my head and heart around the fact that she's dead.     

     My mom is dead. 

    "Lexi!!" Grace cried out again. "I called the police we need to get out of the house!"

     I ignored her, tears were burning my eyes as they continuously roll down my face, my ability to breathe completely gone. It felt like my chest was caving in, like the world literally stopped in this moment. When I opened my mouth, it wasn't words that came out, instead it was a blood curdling scream. My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest while the knot in my throat gets bigger with each breath. I'm uncontrollably sobbing now. 

     "What the hell is going on?" I thought I heard Koles voice ask in the distance. I heard Graces voice a little after that, but I couldn't even focus or look over at them. All I could do is hold her, knowing it's the last time I would ever be able too again. Just the thought of it was another stab through my heart followed by more crying. She deserved to get sober, I deserved my mom sober. And now we will never have that chance together. 

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