Chapter 33

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Kole POV

   My phone vibrating on the night stand next to me is what woke me up. I had Lexi in my arms sleeping peacefully, probably heavier off the glass of wine she drank. I didn't want to disturb her by moving so I just ignored it at first. That is, until it rang again and again and again. Clearly whoever it was felt like it was an emergency, so I slipped out from under her, making sure she was still sound asleep before I grabbed my phone walking out of the room. 

   I had a missed call from Robby and 2 missed calls from a private number. As soon as I went to call Robby back the private number popped back up, so I answered that first. 

   "Hello?" I asked into the line

   "I'm really disappointed in Lexi my friend" Tommy's voice sung through the phone immediately pissing me off. 

"You do know I'll kill you so why do you keep testing me" I asked 

   He let out a crazed laugh before replying "Now, now Kole no need to be hostile. We both know you'd have to catch me first."

  I stayed silent waiting for his point in calling to surface.

  "Anyways, I talked to my sweet love last night and she's being mean to me. Now her phone is off, I don't like to chase my women Kole you know that. If she doesn't play by the rules she's going to lose my good mood. We both know what happens after that" he sneered 

  "You've always been a slimy snake, scared to come out and face things head on. That's why you're hiding behind a private number" I taunted. 

   Instead of the snarky remark I thought he would make, he hung the phone up. He's always been a coward so it's not a surprise, what was a surprise was Lexi not feeling like she could tell me he reached out.

   Before I got too deep into the thought I pulled Robby's contact up and called him back.

   "Hey bro what's up?" I asked after he answered.  

   "Hey, sorry for calling so early. But I got a ping on Pete's phone and he's driving around your house. I'm not sure why but I noticed 4 different times he's passed it in the last hour." he explained 

   "Thanks for the heads up" I said before hanging the phone up. It's clear Tommy is trying to make a move to get Lexi, lucky for us nobody knows we aren't at home. 

   When I glanced at the clock seeing it was 5am, it made me realize something. He's waiting until we would normally leave to get breakfast on Saturdays to make a move, which also means he's been watching for a while to get our routine down. 


   After a small hesitation I dialed the number to an old friend who owed me a favor.

Lexi POV

   The sunlight peeking through the window is what slowly woke me up from what seemed like the best sleep I'd ever had. When I rolled over to stretch I noticed Kole wasn't in bed, so I reached for my phone to check the time. 

   Shit, It was still off from last night. I turned it on as I got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom to wash my face.  

   It took till I was done brushing my teeth for the screen to finally come on. Not long after that my notifications started coming through. First was a text from David asking how I was liking the house, next was a few dings for voicemails. As much as I didn't want to listen to them, I tapped the first one letting it play outloud;

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