Chapter 2

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     "Lexi honey wake up!! You need to help me clean up before your dad gets home" my mom yelled down the hall.

     I forced my eyes open sitting up and grabbing my phone. 4 hours went by since I fell asleep, and I had 6 missed calls from Grace.

 "Shit" I mumbled looking back up at my mom while scatter cleans the house. 

She looked back over at me with dark bags under eyes and a half smile "Did you hear me? Your father gets home from work any minute and I need to start dinner, so get up and help clean." she said before heading back into the kitchen. I took a deep breath getting up to follow behind her. Sometimes I can't tell if it's just the alcohol, or the drugs or both. Sometimes she has these episodes, like life is normal again. 

     "I have to go to Graces to study, I fell asleep" I said from behind her hoping that would get me out of dealing with this again. 

     "Honey no, you know he's going to want to hear about your first day of school" she said as she started the stove with no pan on it. I rolled my eyes, angrily walking over and shutting it off as she grabbed the dirty dishes from the sink and began setting the table for 3. I'm mad at her yes, but it hurts so much more that I wish the conversation we were having was our reality. 

     "Mom please" I started to say as I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. "Dad isn't coming home" 

     She shook her head violently "Your talking crazy!! Now grab the napkins and silverware" she yelled blowing me off. 

     "Mom just go back to bed, he probably works late tonight anyways" I said hoping that, that might work instead. But she ignored me and continued setting the table. I snatched my keys off the banister and headed toward the front door.

 "Lexi Marie! I told you to clean up before dinner!" She screamed from the kitchen. I ignored her as I opened the front door. Before I made it through the entrance, a glass plate flew past my head shattering once it hit the door frame. 

     There it was, the switch. I looked back at her yelling "He is dead! He isn't coming back!" 

Her reply to that was throwing another glass across the room at me before turning back around. This time it landed right outside the front door breaking all over the porch. I stood there for a moment waiting to see what was going to happen next. That's when I heard stuff crashing on the ground and more glass breaking. Instead of staying, I make the right choice for myself and walk out shutting the door behind me. I look down at the glass shaking my head to myself. I can't just leave all this here or someone will get hurt. There wasn't a broom out here, and I definitely wasn't going back in there. So I decided to pick up the front mat shaking the glass off it onto the side yard before using it to brush the rest off the porch. Satisfied with my quick clean up I brush my hands together to get the dirt off and walk down the drive way to my car.

     "Are you okay?" I hear a male voice ask from behind, causing me to jump and drop my keys. 

     "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" the thick New York accent replied in a low tone. I squinted through the dark to get a better look realizing, it was no one other than Kole. 

"So what are you stalking me now?" I snapped trying to catch my breath from the near heart attack I thought I was having. 

     He took a few steps closer letting out a small laugh "Um I actually live in the house across the street, I heard screaming and glass breaking. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." he replied with a genuine tone and a look of concern on his face, making me feel like a total bitch. I guess any normal person would do the same, my dad would've if the shoe was on the other foot, and he was actually alive. 

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