Chapter 26

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Kole POV

   After the doctor hooked Lexi up to an IV, he put medicine in it to help ease the pain allowing her to fall into a deep sleep. 

   "Dr. Hugo, can you tell us what all of her injuries are please" my mom asked as she stood next to me causing me to look up at her. 

   "Yes ma'am" he began gently lifting her left arm " Aside from the dehydration, both wrists have severe bruising, as well as 2 lacerations. The lighter one is on this same arm from her wrist to her elbow" he continued setting her arm back down "And right here on her chest is much deeper cutting from one side of her shoulder to the other---"

   "And the marks on her face as well as her body?" I asked cutting him off

   "The marks up and down her arms are from being squeezed and/or dragged, her face unfortunately looks as if she has been hit a few times." he said hesitantly. I felt my fists clench tighter every time the doctor spoke about a new injury.

    And she stayed strong through it all, never saying a thing that could hurt me or my family. That is true loyalty and love.

   "The worst of the injuries is her right arm, its been pulled out of socket" he finished

   "Oh my gosh" my mom said holding her hand to her mouth.

   "I can put her shoulder back in place now but I would rather wait until we can get set up in your home, its very painful and its better she's somewhere comfortable when everything happens." Dr Hugo said looking back at me. 

   I nodded my head "Thank you, could you give us a few moments please?" I asked him. 

   "Um there's one other thing, but it will be tough to here" the Dr said quietly. 

   "What is it?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

   "This mark on her neck, isn't a bruise. Its.. a hickey." he said shakily. 

   I didn't say anything, I didn't move, I almost stopped breathing. 

   My mom interjected, "thank you, could you please give us a moment?"

   "Of course, I'll be in the front if you need me" he said exiting the main area. 

   I sat down at in the seat across from Lexi, rubbing my hands over my face taking a deep breath while ignoring the shooting pain in my side. My mom took a seat next to me putting her hand on my back.

   "I know it's hard to see her like this, but she is strong and we are going to help her get through this" she said in a soothing yet sad tone. 

   "They need to pay for what they've done" I said through clenched teeth.

   "We know son" my dad cut in causing me to look over at him. "Some things take time, as angry as your feeling now you need to put that energy into Lexi and helping her get through this mentally and physically. She has been through a lot in the last 48 hours, and if the only thing on your mind is revenge you'll cause more harm than good." 

Lexi POV

    I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not when I woke up, everything was still blurry including my memory. I tried moving but pain shot through my right arm making me wince,  

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