Chapter 18

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   I decided to make dinner for everyone when Kole and I got back to his house. I noticed his parents still weren't home. I know there's more stress on them now than anyone is letting on, instead of it just being a me issue it opened up problems for them they didn't know they had. 

   Pulling my phone out I turned on my favorite R&B playlist mix, Chris Brown being the first one to come on. Music always motivates my soul, I moved my body to the beat as I put the rolls in the oven. Deciding to make a salad to go with the chicken. It's one of the only meals I know I can actually make that tastes good. 

   I danced my way to the stove after cutting the lettuce to flip the chicken before I moved to the counter to cut tomato's, cucumbers, and onions up for the salad. By this time Destiny's Child - Soldier came on, one of my all time favorites. Moving my hips to the beat I dropped it low as I checked on the rolls. My mom used to always have to remind me to take them out, it was my one contribution to dinner when she cooked because I would always burn the bottoms. 

   Instead of the memory bringing sadness, it brought a happy feeling. Through all the years of addiction it became easy getting lost in all the negative emotions and memories. I almost forgot what it was like smiling and laughing with her, smelling the food when I would get home from school. Or hearing her joke with my dad when we had our family nights. So from here on out, thats what I'm going to remember and focus on, all the memories from my family being whole. 

   When the food was done I set the table, making sure I placed the salad in the middle while the rolls were in a bowl to the side. 

   "Yum looks good" Kole said startling me as he walked in the kitchen. He reached his hand up cupping the side of my face, while his thumb rubbed my cheek. I leaned into his hand looking up at him with a small smile. He placed a kiss on my forehead before removing his hand and taking a seat. I put some chicken on his plate and mine before I sat down with him 

   "Be honest about how it tastes" I said with a teasing tone as he took his first bite. I watched for a reaction, but he was good at keeping his emotions together. 

   "Um yeah you did good" he said taking a drink right after. I raised an eyebrow taking a bite for myself... it was terrible, and very over seasoned. I don't know how he managed to actually swallow the bite he took as I grabbed my napkin spitting my bite out in it before chugging my water. 

   Kole broke out in laughter as he watched. I put my glass down fake glaring at him causing us both to start laughing 

   "Wow that was horrible" I said in between laughs. 

   "Not horrible, just needs practice." he said trying to be nice about it.  "Why don't we clean this up and order pizza?" he offered sitting back in his chair. 

   "Sounds good to me" I replied standing up grabbing the plates while he put the food up and threw the chicken out. I doubt the racoon's would even want that over salted shit. 

   While we waited for the pizza to get here we sat on the couch while Kole scrolled through the movies on the T.V. I heard my phone ringing in the distance, I looked around the living room but didn't see it. 

   "I think you left it on the kitchen table" Kole said, his eyes still on the screen as he debates which Spiderman movie he was going to put on. 

   I stood up and walked to the kitchen table, the ringing stopped by the time I reached it. I was more than surprised when I seen a missed call from Grace. I rolled my eyes so hard they probably couldve gotten stuck in the back of my head. Grabbing the phone I turned on my heels to head back to the couch, then my phone rang again. When I seen it was Grace again I felt anger bubble inside my chest, why would she even think for a second I would talk to her. 

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