Chapter 20

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Kole POV      2 Days Later 

   Lexi was peacefully sleeping in my bed when Robby called me. I made sure to sit on the couch across from the bed so she wouldn't be disturbed. At this point I was familiar with her sleeping patterns, and she was a very heavy sleeper when she was comfortable. 

   "What's up bro?" I asked into the phone 

   "I finished cracking the drive, and there is more here than what your girls dad thought." he said 

   "Like what?" I asked 

   "Aside from petty money laundering throughout Louisiana, they were in deep shit. All the accounts Greg laundered through were connected to Tommy's main accounts in New York. He didn't correctly alter the invoices, and that's how your girls dad caught on to what was going on. Lets just say Greg is an idiot, and illegal workings are not for him. So long story short, all the documents on this drive not only incriminate Greg, but Tommy and his entire business. I don't know how he had access to half the files in here but its some serious shit." he finished explaining. 

   I sat there for a moment thinking over what he said "So that's how Tommy got involved then" I confirmed to myself.

   "Yeah there's enough info on here to shut him down completely. The amount of money and forge documents is enough federal time even with a deal to last a life time." he replied. 

   I nodded "Alright thank you brother, just make as many copies as you can and hide it so they can't find it. I know its a lot to ask considering the risk" I said to him. But one thing I know for sure is that Robby is off limits, its an unspoken code throughout our city. His dad is tied into so many different mafia families that nobody would risk their lively hood or character by hurting him. Plus he's the best tech guy there is, if he doesn't want a document found, it won't be. 

   "You know I got your back." he replied with a genuine tone. 

   After hanging up I sat back trying to think of the smaller things we still didn't have answers too. Like why it took so long for Lexi's moms autopsy to get back to us, and who did it. When it all first went down I thought for sure it was Greg behind everything, knowing what I know now though I'm not so sure. Yeah he was still a piece of shit, but a murderer? Doubt it. Clearly Pete has been doing all the dirty work, while staying unseen until recently. I could almost guarantee the car we thought was Greg casing the house wasn't him after all. 

   Secondly, why would Tommy intentionally start a war with my family? That's something I'm sure my father is trying to figure out, above all else. 

   When I checked the time it was 6am, I yawned and stretched before crawling back in bed. It was getting toward the weekend now, soon Lexi and I will be going back to school so I'm going to enjoy sleeping while I can. 

Lexi POV

   Kole and I slept in for the first time in forever. I was surprised to see it was 11am when I looked at my phone after getting out of bed.  

   It wasn't until I got out of the shower and got dressed that Kole finally woke up. I hope he was able to get the rest he needed after dealing with everything lately.  Especially mystery man who tried to kidnap me, I hadn't heard anything more of him since Alaric took him. I honestly didn't care either, as long as he wouldn't be able to mess with us anymore. 

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