Chapter 3

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     It wasn't my alarm but the sound of glass shattering that made me jump out of my sleep. I quickly sat up focusing on the sounds around me. When I heard a loud thud I slid off the couch ducking down to the floor as I grabbed my phone. I squinted hard trying to force my eyes to adjust in the darkness around me. Everything was completely silent for a moment and then there was a huge bang so loud I jumped causing my heart to beat even faster than it already was. What the hell is going on?  

     I crawled slowly over to the entrance of the hallway, pushing my back against it. I tried to calm my breathing so I could focus and hear what was happening. It sounded like stuff was being tossed around, and it sounded close enough for me to figure out it was coming from my mom's room.  That's when the voices of two men rang through the house cussing and yelling at each other.

  "Where the fuck is it! She said she would have it last week" the first man yelled. 

   "It's gotta be here, the bitch isn't stupid enough to risk her kid's life over it" the other man snapped back at him. 

   A few more things went flying around the room before the first man spoke up again "It fuckin' better be or we won't hear the end of it"

     If feeling your soul leave your body was a real thing, I was feeling it right now at this moment. I've never been so scared in my entire life. I started feeling the ground around me for my phone, but I couldn't find it. Oh no, oh no, oh no, where the hell is it?  

     SHIT, I must've dropped it on the way over here! I squeezed my eyes shut laying my head back against the wall. Okay Lexi, think! You need to make a move or their going to find you. I kept repeating to myself. Then all of a sudden, my mom's door swung open. Light poured into the hall as the men walked out and stood in front of the doorway. I put my hand over my mouth, making sure I held my breath and stayed completely still.  

     "Let's check the other bedroom first then check the rest of the place." The second man suggested before they turned and walked down the hall. 

     My heart was pounding so hard now that I felt like I was going to pass out. Trying my best to calm down I slowly leaned toward the edge of the wall, I needed to make sure they wont see me make a run for it. I get in a crouched position and just barely peak past the wall. I noticed their backs were facing toward me as they pulled the open my dresser before dumping everything on the ground. I took a huge deep breath and quickly yet quietly made my way to the front door. Without another look back, I unlocked the top lock as quietly as I could opening it just enough for me to slip out. 

    Once both my feet were out of the house, I took off running. I didn't realize where I was going until I was at Koles front door banging on it with both my hands. I glanced back at my house to make sure nobody followed me over, and that's when I notice a figure walk past the hall window. A wave of fear rushed through my body causing me to bang erratically on the door even harder than I was before. Please wake up Kole, please. 

     Finally, after a few seconds that felt like hours Koles door opened and he appeared. Without a second thought I barged in throwing my arms around him "Help me please" I cried into his chest, my body shaking as the tears started rolling down my face. 

     He wrapped his arms around me before kicking the door shut. He released his embrace cupping my face in his hands as he looked over me with worry. 

   "Lexi what is it?" he asked urgently. 

     I took in a shaky breath trying to calm down enough to speak. "There's men in my house! They broke in!" I cried out "I can't find my phone and my mom's gone!" I finished as tears poured out clouding my vision. 

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