Chapter 16

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FLASH BACK- The day of the crash - Lexi POV

   My alarm woke me up at 7 am, it didn't take me long to get ready in the morning so I chose sleep over makeup. When I sat up in bed I seen Grace wasn't laying down, she was probably in the bathroom doing her hair. She on the other hand woke up at 6am on the dot every morning to go through her routine. Something I should probably be doing but I've known since I was younger that I'm not a girly girl. I only joined cheer for the social aspect and to stay in shape, plus it was great for a college application. 

    I threw the covers off and made my way to the bathroom noticing Grace wasn't in there either. Brushing it off I hopped in the shower letting the warm water run down my face to wake me up. Luckily I washed my hair last night so after I washed my body I got out and threw my hair in a bun then brushed my teeth. I walked back to my room still in a towel realizing I forgot to grab my cheer outfit with me. After getting dressed I put my bow in my hair and picked my bookbag up off the floor carrying it to the living room, dropping it on the chair before I went in the kitchen. My parents were sitting at the table drinking coffee, and still no sign of Grace. 

   "Have you guys seen Grace?" I asked pouring a bowl of serial and sitting down with them. 

   "She left when she woke up" my mom replied taking another sip out of her mug. 

   "Oh thats weird she didn't even wake me up or text me" I replied saying my thoughts out loud. 

   My mother shrugged "Maybe she forgot something or wanted to go home and get ready" 

   "Maybe" I said taking a bite of my cereal. "Oh I forgot to tell you guys, the first game is tonight, are you going to be able to make it?" I asked directing the last part to my dad. 

   "Yes sweetie, I have a meeting after work but I should make it back in time for all of us to ride together." He replied with a big smile. 

   I knew he wouldn't miss my first game, he always put us before work when it came to the important stuff.  

   "Great" I smiled.  I checked my phone seeing it was 10 till 8, so I stood up putting my bowl in the sink before turning back to my mom. "Ready?" I asked. 

   She took another sip of her coffee then grabbed her car keys and nodded as she made her way to the front door. I gave my dad a quick kiss on the cheek before running after my mom and getting in the car. 

   When we pulled up to school I seen Grace walking up to the doors so I quickly told my mom bye and caught up with her. 

   "Hey! Where did you go this morning?" I asked coming up from behind her as she walked toward her locker. 

   I caught her by surprise by the look on her face as she turned to me. 

   "Oh hey, I just forgot my cheer stuff at home so I had my dad get me. I didn't wake you up because I know how you like your sleep" she said turning back around unlocking her locker. 

   "Are you excited for the game tonight?" I asked hitting her with my elbow, she had been talking about it since school started. 

   "Yeah" she said plainly giving me a smile. 

   "Where's all that energy you've had for it?" I asked raising an eyebrow examining her face trying to see whats wrong. 

   She forced a little wider smile before shutting her locker "Everythings fine just saving it for the game" 

   "Well I need to grab my books and head to class I'll see you at lunch" I said turning and heading in the direction of my own locker. That was odd but then again so's she, honestly; she's probably the most emotional girl I've ever met. 

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