Chapter 22

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Kole POV

    Hours went by before the doctor came in confirming I was okay to be released. Aside from the broken ribs, bruising and small concussion I was fine. 

   I watched as relief washed over my parents knowing I was okay. 

   All I was waiting on was Robby or my dads connections to find Pete's location, and who knows how long that could be. I trusted Robby though, he always has my back and he's the best there is. I know he'll come through and he's working as fast as he can. He knows how much Lexi means to me and how important this all is. 

   I know Lexi is strong, but Pete is ruthless and dangerous. 

   "Honey?" my mom said pulling me from my thoughts.  "Do you need help out of the bed?" she asked gently 

"No its okay thank you" I responded wincing a little as I sat up, trying to mask the pain so she wouldn't worry. Every movement I made sent a stabbing sensation through my side, my head spun anytime I moved too quickly. How am I supposed to do anything when I can barely walk?

Lexi POV 

   The creaking of the barn door caught my attention. At this point the fire and tingles in my ankles and wrists were replaced with numbness. My toes and fingers throbbed from the pressure of the chains while also trying to stay on my tip toes to relieve my arms from holding my body weight. 

   I noticed the sun was going down from the dim light that flashed in before Pete walked through. Just the sight of his silhouette sent a nervousness through my body, wondering what he was planning to do next. 

   He slowly walked over to his chair taking a seat in front of me.

   "So you ready to start moving those pretty lips of yours and tell me what I want to know" he asked twiddling his pocket knife in his hand. 

   I didn't answer, and that really pissed him off. He stood up quickly out of his chair causing it to fall back as he walked over to me, snatching my face in his hand so we were face to face. 

   "I'm not going to keep being nice about it you little bitch" he sneered, spit flying from his mouth making me flinch. 

   He gripped my jaw tighter while bringing his other hand up to my face putting the blade of the knife on my cheek, the cold metal caused me to shiver. 

   "Where did you and your little boyfriend hide it?" he asked in my ear as he slowly dragged the knife across my cheek, leaving a burning feeling in its place. 

   Again, I didn't answer. 

   I thought I heard him let out a small laugh as he raised the knife this time, placing it on the right side of my collar bone. This time he pushed the knife in a little deeper, causing me to cry out as he dragged it from the left side all the way to the right.

   He shoved my face back as he let go of me, taking a small step back. 

   "It's going to get way worse than this sweetie so you might as well just talk. You will eventually" he said with a cocky tone. 

   I looked up at him, warm liquid dripping down my cheek and chest. 

   "I don't know" I managed to say 

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