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AUTHORS NOTE: This is an extended bonus chapter plus preview for Book 2. I've been really focused on editing the book and making it perfect but didn't want to leave you guys on such a cliff-hanger. Hope you like it!

Kole POV

"You need to really consider coming to the meeting, its important to show your face now that your moving into your position." my dad said calmly from his seat across the room.

"I can stay here with Lexi sweetie, this is something you really shouldn't miss" My mom added softly.

I swiped my hand over my face sighing deeply before moving my gaze from them to Lexi, I know they're right but I just can't leave her. I sat up reaching over to her, moving the strand of hair in her face behind her ear. Even with tubes in her nose and being in a coma for the last 27 days she still looks just as beautiful as the day I met her. I wish I could be talking to her about all this, I missed her voice and her laugh so much it made my heart ache thinking about it. I'm more than grateful she's alive, I just wish I knew when she was going to wake up. The doctor said it could take months and that her brain was repairing itself from all the missive trauma physically and emotionally. I have hope she's going to wake up sooner though, I can feel her coming back to me. She is a natural born fighter, and the strongest woman I've ever met.

Now that Tommy is dead, his father retired allowing my dad to move in to take over their shipments. Business is so much bigger and busier now that I've had to move up into a leading roll alongside him and help. I haven't left her side since she's gotten out of surgery, I do all my work from in here but that wont work for long. I need to start giving orders in person so the people that work for us now respect me. They listen because I'm their boss yeah, but it has to be more than just phone calls and video chats to make and keep loyal men. I could've kept her in the hospital in New York to make it easier on me, but it was too dangerous with Pete still MIA. I chose New Jersey so it was closer for business emergencies but not too close.

"Just let me think about it" I finally responded.

"Look son, I know you don't want to leave her but Tommy's gone now. She's safe." my dad said in a more stern tone.

"Have we located Pete yet?" I snapped back in the same tone.

His eyes flashed away for a moment before he responded "No but I doubt he has the balls to come forward, his only protection was Tommy. The only acts he committed against us were direct orders from Tommy."

"That's not good enough." I said not breaking eye contact.

"Alright you two, Lexi can probably feel the energy in the room. Positive vibes only please" my mother cut in with her 'I'm not playin with you' voice.

We couldn't help but smirk a little before my dad stood up, "Alright please just think about it. Your mother and I are going back to the hotel, we need to fly out tomorrow afternoon to make it in time."

I nodded standing up to give my mom a hug bye, "Love you sweetie" she said after letting go.

"Love you guys too" I replied as they left out the hospital room. I walked over and shut the door behind them before going back to my chair and sitting down, grabbing Lexi's hands in mine. "Common baby wake up, I need you by my side. I love you so much, I can't do any of this without you." I pled resting my head on our hands. "I'm gonna marry you once we get out of here, I promise" I whispered feeling a sting in my eyes as a tear fell down my cheek on the top of her hand. "If I could trade you places I would in a heart beat" I said as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Don't make promises you don't mean" I heard a voice whisper causing me to whip my head up in shock. I think my heart exploded when my eyes were met with a familiar icy blue gaze, "Are you crying?" Lexi asked with her eyebrows scrunched up.

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