Chapter 27

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    Today was the day, our first day back at school. All I could think about was my mom. I feel as though seeing her again and knowing she sacrificed her life motivated me to be stronger. It opened up apart of me I didn't know was there, a fierceness that I so clearly needed. It was more than just Greg and Grace and the small time crime I thought we were dealing with, its bigger then that. If I truly ever want justice for my parents, Kole and I, then I needed to focus. 

   My body felt better more and more each day, with Kole's work out routine on top of Laurena's cooking I'll be back stronger than ever. My shoulder was a little more complicated though, which is frustrating. 

   I hopped out of the shower to start my morning routine. I got up a little earlier than I usually did because I was anxious. The life I've been living and the things that have happened make school seem of very little importance, so why was I nervous to go back? Maybe it's the feeling like all eyes are going to be on me, I'm sure the entire school wonders what happened with my mom's death. Considering I haven't been back since, luckily Laurena took care of things or I probably would've failed out. 

    Finishing the last touches on my hair and eyebrows I threw some lip gloss on and walked to my room. I put on some dark ripped jeans, black sandals and a black tank before I was ready to go. I pulled my phone out to check the time to make sure I could still eat breakfast before we had to leave. 

   By the time I made it down stairs Kole was walking in from outside with a smile on his face. 

   "Good morning" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

   "You look beautiful" he replied walking me into the kitchen. Alaric and Laurena sat in there usual spots, a platter of eggs and bacon sitting in the middle of the table. 

   "You know I don't think I'll ever get used to eating so good" I joked as I sat down making a small plate, taking a few bites.

   "So you guys ready to get back into the swing of things?" Laurena asked us with a smile. 

   "As ready as we can be" Kole replied to her as he finished his plate.

    When he stood he grabbed my empty plate as well putting them both in the sink. 

   "Just remember, be aware of your surroundings and keep your doors locked. Don't leave each others side if possible" she said with a little worry in her voice. You can tell she really didn't want a repeat of almost losing both of us.  

   Kole playfully rolled his eyes at his mom as he held his hand out to help me up. 

   "Such a gentlemen" I joked as I stood next to them. "Thank you for breakfast" I said to Laurena before smiling and waving to bye as we walked out of the room. 

   When we got to the front door it hit me about the car situation.

   "Should we take my car? I forgot yours was totaled" I asked Kole

   "No need, my parents got us a little going back to school gift" he said with a grin opening the front door. 

   As I looked in the drive way I saw the brand new black Range Rover with the windows tinted dark enough to barely see in. 

   "Wow when they put their minds to something they really go all out" I said smiling at Kole. "Still though, I'm sorry about your other car" 

   "Don't be sorry, cars are replaceable but you are not." he said as he opened the passenger door for me. 

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