Chapter 19

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      After we explained everything Alaric told us to go upstairs, shower and then burn the clothes we were wearing in the fire pit out back. 

   As insensitive as it sounds I grabbed the pizza offering some to them before taking it upstairs with us. I was literally starving and everything going on is making me crave greasy food so I can think things through. Once we got in the room Kole went to his closet grabbing clothes and a towel still silent, when he came back out and headed to the door. 

   "Um I'm going to hop in real quick and wash this off" he said softly. I gave him a small smile and nodded grabbing a piece of pizza once he shut the door. 

   I'm sure he has a lot on his mind, especially since someone almost killed him. I hope he isn't mad at me, obviously the reason the guy was here was for me. 

   Who the hell was my dad involved with that would go to these lengths, as if its not bad enough they killed my mom now they want to do whatever with me too. I sighed dramatically to myself, then took another bite of pizza. There was still so many answers I needed to figure out about all of this, both my parents deaths, what they want from me, what do they have on Greg....

   Then it hit me, I shot up out of my seat throwing the slice of pizza down. Graces dad always took them on trips, bought new cars, updated the house, donated to the school yet he made less than my dad as his partner. My dad made good money but not the way Greg was spending, which means if you've ever watched Ozark that he was cleaning money. My guess for whoever Alarics friend is in New York thats now under investigation. That makes sense why when my dad found out he tried to stop the cash flow, so they killed him. 

   Either I'm a genius or I've watched too many T.V shows and I'm way off. The only way to really figure out what my dad has on them is to find it ourselves first. I would assume a flash drive or papers maybe? His office is out of the question, if he didn't trust who he worked with he wouldn't hide it there. 

   I felt myself pacing as my brain rattled around a bunch of ideas and possibilities as to where he would hide something so important. My dad wasn't really a secret kind of person, 9/10 he told my mom but she's not here to help me. The only thing I can think of is to take the risk and go back home and go through everything, maybe if I'm there it will help bring some memories back. 

   Kole walked in showered and dressed, giving me a curious look as to why I was pacing. 

"I'll explain later" I said walking past him placing a small kiss on his cheek before I went to my room grabbing an outfit. 

   Once I was out of the shower and dressed, I went into Koles room. He wasn't in there though, so I made my way down the stairs. The smell of a bond fire filled my nose once I reached the living room. I walked outside to see Kole and Laurena sitting around the fire as Koles outfit and the front rug was burning. They both turned to me once I got closer, Laurena greeting me with a smile as always. Alaric and the mystery man were gone, I'm not sure where he took him but I wasn't going to ask. Some things I just didn't need to know, and I needed to put my focus on the task at hand. 

   Throwing my clothes in the fire I spoke out loud toward them both 

   "I have an idea" I said causing them to look at me. "I think I should go back home and look for whatever my dad had on Greg. It's one of the biggest if not the biggest missing link in a lot of questions we need answers too." I suggested 

   "Just make sure Kole goes with you just in case" Laurena said 

   "Always" Kole responded immediately. "You ready?" he asked looking over at me

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