Chapter 5

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     After explaining things to Grace her anger switched to worry, which is exactly why I kept certain details out, like the threats on my life. It's safer to keep her in the dark, along with my selfish side not wanting to drag her down with any negativity. We're sitting in our usual spot on her couch in the living room, when the front door swung open making me tense up util I see its Graces parents walking in. They gave us a warm smile as they take a seat on the other couch. I already knew what was coming, I'm sure they had plenty to say after what they watched on the news. 

     "Hey honey, how are you feeling? We seen the news this morning and we were worried sick about you" Cindy, Graces mom asked. 

   "I'm okay, just a little shaken up" I responded trying to keep it short and sweet. 

     "So do you know where your mom is?" Greg cut in with a straight face. 

    I don't know why, but my gut told me to lie to him. "Yeah, I called the rehab she's at to let her know what happened. The police are going to get her statement sometime this week" I replied watching his facial expression.

    "Well, that's good, hopefully she gets the help that she needs." he said not showing any emotion as he stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen. Cindy flashed us a smile before getting up and following him. 

     "They are so nosey" Grace complained, "They just want to make sure you're okay though." 

     "Yeah, I know" I said agreeing. 

    Her parents were overwhelming at times, they're very loving but very, very protective and OCD. I don't judge though; they are obviously doing something right considering their successful lifestyle and well put together family. Plus, their daughter is my best most genuine friend. 


     Hours flew by as we laughed, and Grace filled me in about the new drama on the cheer team. I pulled my phone out to text Kole but I noticed I already had a message from him; You ok? 

     Yea, still at Graces. I replied smiling at the screen. 

   He really is such a sweet, genuine guy. So much so, I keep having the same argument in my head about sneaking back to my house tonight. Maybe I should just stay with Kole, I know I would be safe with him. He also knows the extent of everything that's happened, but then again, I don't want to overstay my welcome or invade his life. I would hate myself if something happened to his home or his family because of me. All I know for sure, is Grace is out of the question. 

     I looked up at Grace "Alright girl, I need to get home and clean everything up" I said grabbing my bag as I stood up. 

    "Okay, you sure you don't want to stay the night? Or I can come over" she volunteered looking at me with concern in her eyes. 

    I walked over to her placing my hands on her shoulders "I'm fine trust me. No need to worry." I reassured her before dropping my hands so we could walk to the door. 

    Once we reached the door she gave me a hug "Alright love you, call me later" she said.

     "Love you too" I replied giving her a big smile before walking down the driveway. 

     After I got in the car I pulled off and headed toward my street. I didn't bother putting any music on, I had too much on my mind. I cracked the window letting the warm breeze flow through the car, taking in a deep breath making a turn at the stop sign slowing my speed as I approached my house. Going against my better judgement as I pulled into Koles driveway instead. I put the car in park just sitting there for a moment. Am I really doing this? I thought as I pulled my phone out to text Kole. 

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