Chapter 35

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Lexi POV

"Are you sure about this?" David asked as we pulled into the warehouse. 

"I have to be" I replied looking out the window at our surroundings. We drove 7 hours to get here hoping it would throw him off of where I could be staying.  I was in a taxicab with David posing as a driver dropping me off, and he had a car full of armed men following a short distance behind us. The plan was to drop me off by Tommy, then David drive off like he didn't know me while the second car pulled up killing him and Pete all while picking me back up. Looking through the side mirror I notice them shut their headlights off once we turned in the lot, following every turn we took until we were at the opposite side of the warehouses. I didn't see anyone around, not even a single car. 

Something wasn't right, he should be here. There's no way he was bluffing if it meant he could have me, unless I just played myself. I tried shaking the thought from my mind when the sound of tires screeching caught my attention. I quickly looked from side to side trying to figure out where it was coming from. Then headlights shined bright in the review mirror, causing David and I to look behind us seeing a large F-150 speed up to the car full of guards. 

Not even 2 seconds later a rain of bullets hitting the car filled the air, I helplessly watched as they tore into the SUV. There are so many shots going off I just knew there wouldn't be any survivors. All of a sudden it felt like I couldn't breathe, the fear from realizing our reality was in full throttle. I grabbed my chest trying to control myself, but it was no use. Hearing the sounds of car doors opening and closing made my heart jump through my chest, they were coming for me. 

David looked over at me with this sadness in his eyes, "Be strong, don't be afraid." he said trying to comfort me, but it only made the feelings worse. 

I notice the shadow behind him before the shot went off, making me cover my head and duck down. Glass sprayed all over the front seat, when I looked up I see David slumped over with blood sliding down his face. Then his eyes glossed over while any sign of life left drifted from them.

I didn't even realize I was screaming until my door was yanked open and Tommy snatched me out by my hair yelling for me to "Shut the hell up"    

As scared as I was in this moment, I was going to listen to him, but my body's natural reaction took over. I wasn't just screaming from shock and fear I was screaming in pain over all this death because of me. Now David..... NO! He was all I had left living of my mom and now he was gone! Another scream forced its way up out of my throat as the all my feelings washed over my body.

"I know what to do" I faintly heard Pete say as he walked over to where we were standing. Raising his hand holding the gun he cocked back smacking me across the face with it almost knocking me out. I felt another blow to the head and warm liquid dripped down my face. The last blow was on the side of my eye, causing the black spots in my vision to completely over. 

Kole POV

My entire world feels like its come to a stop, I can't eat, I can't think, I can't control my emotions. Every possible scenario has played over in my head of what could be happening at this exact moment. 

There's no way I'm just sitting around waiting for a sign or a location. Pulling Lexi's phone back out I scrolled through her contacts to look for David. Maybe he has people around here than can help look. It's only been a few hours now, there's no way they left the country all of Tommy's assets are frozen from the investigation so he would have no way of sustaining. Once I found his name I called but he didn't answer. His phone is on though so he can be traced. Setting Lexi's phone back down I pulled mine out calling Robby,

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