Chapter 30

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Kole was furious, and I mean really, really mad. I don't know if he was more upset at the fact he stabbed me with the fork or that Tommy's starting to act obsessed over me. Which was not a comforting thought, especially knowing how cut throat he acts to get what he wants. 

I looked back over to Kole who was pacing in his living room and texting on his phone, probably to Robby if I had to guess. A few moments passed and his phone started ringing, 

"What you got" he asked as he answered. 

"Text me that number please. And did you find the location?" he asked while still pacing in the room. 

"Wait what? Are you sure?" he questioned causing curiosity to fill my mind. 

"Alright thanks bro." Kole said before ending the call and sliding his phone in his pocket. 

Kole looked at me with a mix of anger and worry in his eyes, 

"Tommy is back in town" he finally said. 

My eyes grew wider as fear filled my mind, all the possible things he could have planned for me made it all that much worse. 

"I'm not going to let him come near you" Kole stated before pulling his phone out and making a call. Though this time, he didn't stay in the room he walked out back shutting the door behind him. 

As much as I wanted to follow, I know I can't. I trust him with my life so I have to understand there are things I don't need to know about. 

I laid my head back taking in a deep breath.... think Lexi, think. There had to be something I could do to stop all of this, and as much as I try to remain hopeful I'm not sure there is anything that can be done. The only solutions that come to mind are all ending in someone getting hurt or even worse. 

My moms words flooded my head, her voice bringing a small comfort. I wish so bad that she was here, but instead she's waiting in Heaven for me under our favorite tree. When I was a kid my mom always got different calendars for the kitchen that had pictures of beaches on them. We would go through each month and pick our favorite of each, and my mom always picked the picture in Clear Water, Florida of two palm trees and a hammock on the shore line with the clearest blue water. She always said that was our spot.  

That's when it hit me, I stood straight up and ran upstairs to my side of Koles bed getting in the drawer. I pulled the papers out that my mom left and shuffled through them looking for the relator's contact on the first page. There's no way she would leave me money and no direction to go if it was to keep me safe. 

Skimming through the the list of contacts I found it toward the bottom, and just as I suspected it was a Florida area code. 

I pulled my cell out and dialed the number, before I called Kole walked in the room with his eyebrow up. 

"I'll explain in one second" I said as I called the number and put it on speaker phone. 

"This is Dave, how can I help you" A mans voice spoke through the phone after the first ring. 

"Um hi, my name is Lexi my mom left your number for me in her will after she passed away. She said you could help me." I said in my sweetest voice. 

"Oh hi wow, I didn't know she passed. I'm so sorry for your loss dear." He replied in a sad tone. 

"I appreciate it, I don't know exactly what she left I'm still trying to figure everything out." I said 

"I can fly in tomorrow and we can meet. It's better to pass information like this in person. How does 2pm sound? We can meet anywhere you choose." he said. 

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