Chapter 32

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The rest of the plane ride was silent, I think everyone was thinking about what Kole said. Hell, my mind was still spinning at what he said. I seen us moving to Florida in the near future but today? Right now? It was just a lot to take in, and I understand why he's saying that but I think he's just letting is worries about my safety take over everything else. The last thing I want to do is drive a wedge or create some kind of animosity between him and his parents. 

"Alright Ya'll we are about to land so put your seat belts on please" the captain said through the speaker to us. 

After I clipped my belt, I looked over at Laurena, once she made eye contact with me I mouthed 'I'm sorry'. She answered with a gentle smile and shook her head letting me know it would all be okay. I'm sure this isn't the first time Kole, and his dad had a disagreement, I just hate it's because of me.  

Once we landed the door opened allowing the steps to descend, 

"You ready baby?" Kole asked quietly before standing and holding his hand out to help me up. 

"As ready as I'll ever be" I replied as we made our way out of the plane behind Alaric and Laurena. 

After we got the car Robby had ready for us, we drove about 45 minutes into Miami.

It was beautiful here, plus we were right by the ocean. It was such a warm welcoming feeling just being in the area, I can see why my mom picked this location. 

Shocked was an understatement after seeing the neighborhood we pulled into, it was like straight out of a movie. The houses were huge, the cars in front of each one were more expensive than any place I've ever even lived. Each yard was perfectly cut down to the trim of each shrub. 

We drove past all of them before reaching the end of the street, the GPS dinged letting us know we had arrived. 

"No way" I said quietly as we pulled in the driveway. It had to be the biggest house on this street, it was modern with its square shape, all white, tall and had so many huge windows all around it. There was a large double garage matching on the side of the house, it was so big it looked like a mini house. 

"It's beautiful" Laurena said as we stepped out of the car. 

"It is, I wasn't expecting all this" I replied to her, walking up to the front door pulling the keys out of my pocket with the paper to the alarm system. 

My heart picked up speed as I inserted the key and twisted the fancy doorknob. The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, it almost took my breath away. High ceilings, everything was white with black matte accents, it was fully furnished as well. The beeping of the alarm pulled me from my amazement, I made my way over typing in the code. 

I turned back around to everyone, "Wanna look around?" I asked 

"You and Kole can sweetie, Alaric and I are going to step out back and make a phone call." Laurena replied with a smile following Alaric out the large glass sliding door. 

Kole walked over to me abruptly, cupping my face and placing a soft kiss on my lips. Once he pulled away I raised an eyebrow 

"What was that for?" I asked smiling up at him

"Because I love you for one, and for two I have a really good feeling about being here with you" he replied with a wink grabbing my hand in his. 

"So where do you want to start first?"

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