Chapter 6

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     I woke up on the couch with flashcards stuck to the side of my face and the alarm on my phone going off from the table. Rubbing my eyes as I sit up, I see Kole on the sofa diagonal from me, shifting in his sleep from the noise. I reached over to grab my phone but instead knocked it on the floor making even more noise. Kole sat up quickly looking around the room trying to identify the loud thud. 

   "Sorry" I said hopping up to grab my phone, shutting off the alarm. 

     "It's okay" he said shooting me a smirk as he stretched his arms in the air standing up from the seat. I looked at my phone to check the time, it was 7am. I walked over to the nightstand pulling out some black leggings and a grey shirt that said f.r.i.e.n.d.s in black across the front. When I turned around, I noticed Kole was doing the same thing in his closet. I walked over to the door as he was grabbing his clothes gaining his attention.

    "Um do you want to go first? I'll probably take longer than you" I asked referring to the bathroom. 

   "Up to you, I don't mind." he replied nonchalantly.

    "It's your house." I challenged with a smile. The last thing I want to do is be in the way and overstep. 

     He rolled his eyes playfully "I can use the other bathroom"" he said walking out of the room down the stairs. 

   I smiled to myself as I headed across the hall to get ready for the day. 


     After breakfast Kole suggested I ride with him to and from school until my mom's back and I know everything's safe. I wasn't going to debate that because I agreed, I've also grown to enjoy his company. When we pulled into the lot we parked toward the back, grabbing our stuff before getting out of the car and heading toward the building. There were about 10 people in the parking lot near us and all 10 of them had their eyes on me. I held in everything I wanted to say as we walked past them. I know Kole noticed but he didn't say anything, just continued walking next to me in silent support.

     The few looks from the parking lot were nothing compared to the ones I'm now getting inside the school. Almost everyone's staring at me, whispering while making up their own conspiracies about my life. It was like my dad's death all over again, just fewer fake smiles and more rumors from people instead. When I finally reached my locker I noticed writing in black marker at the top in capital letters, 'PHSYCHO FAMILY'. Without giving it a second look, I opened my locker grabbing what I needed, pretending I didn't even see it.

    "You alright?" Kole asked quietly next to me as he looked over my face. 

   I nodded "yeah, nothing I haven't been through already." I said giving him a small smile as I shut my locker. 

     As soon as we walk into Mrs. B's class, I felt an arm loop through mine getting my attention. I look over to see Grace, with a huge smile on her face as she looks from me to Kole then back at me. I swore I heard a faint laugh from Kole as he continued past us to his seat.

    "So you and New York huh?" she asked in a terrible New York impression. I smacked her shoulder laughing with her. 

   "No he's just being a good friend." I replied. 

   "Tell that to your red ass cheeks" she said grinning before taking her seat. I flipped her the finger as I took my notebook out. 

     Not even 10 minutes into class the principle, Mr. Hall came to the door getting the teachers attention. Ms. B walked over to him exchanging whispers as they both turned looking at me. Ms. B waved me over to them, sending a nervous feeling through my stomach. I glanced over at Kole as I got up from my seat walking over to them. I tried to read Mr. Halls face for any signs of what this could be about but there were none. I tried to be confident as I followed him to his office, but I was so nervous I felt like I could pass out right here right now. When we walked in the room, I notice a cop and woman in a suit sitting at the table. 

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