Chapter 29

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Kole and I filled Alaric and Laurena in while we ate dinner, from the PO box and everything it held to Graces house. 

We passed our own ideas of what everything could lead too or mean, and I gotta say; its so nice to know we have each other in all this. 

"Oh and I called the hospital to check on Grace, her surgery went okay and they were able to get the bullet our of the back of her skull. Unfortunately though they had to put her into and induced coma for the healing process to start." I explained 

"Thats terrible, hopefully she pulls through. If you need me with you to go visit her let me know" Laurena said in her usual warm tone.

Alaric had a hard look on his face, he didn't say much through out any of it. Kole also stayed a little quieter but I knew he had a lot on his mind. I can only imagine how horrible it was seeing Grace and her parents like that, just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. I'm grateful I he stopped me from seeing it. 

"I think we should move" Alaric said causing everyone to look up at him and fall silent. 

"What do you mean? Right now? And go where?" Laurena asked setting her fork down while still looking at him. 

I didn't say anything, just observed and listened.. 

"No not right now, I'm not going to make you two start a new school when the year is damn near over. I'm saying when you graduate, I've been looking at property in Florida-" he began before Laurena cut him off. 

"Absolutely not, we can't move our life again. Not this soon, that's going to raise too many red flags and look like we are running from something." She replied with a little bit more sternness to her voice. 

It shocked me a little bit, I've never seen her mad before. I glanced over a Kole who also looked a little taken aback. 

"You could have atleast asked our opinions first, and Lexi has been here her whole life" she finished before crossing her arms. 

"You guys have done so much for me, and made me feel so loved and like I had a family again. So please don't make any choices based off me, I would follow you guys to Alaska if that's where you wanted to go. There's nothing else here for me except figuring out the truth behind my family so I can have closure" I cut in earning everyone's attention. 

I noticed Laurena's face soften a little at what I said, and Kole had a sadness in his eyes as he looked at me. I need to remind myself to ask him about that later. 

"I'm not saying its set and stone, just something to think about. there's still a few months left until you graduate. So we will see how it all plays out, I'm just trying to keep you all safe." Alaric said before standing and walking out of the kitchen. 

Laurena gave Kole and I an apologetic smile before following him out of the kitchen. 

I wish there was some way to help, or to solve all this quicker so they could get back to normal. I couldn't help but feel guilty again, I feel like not only did my dad destroy our family, he betrayed my mom, he destroyed Graces, and now it puts a ridiculous amount of drama and pressure on Koles family when they moved here to live at peace. 

When the truth started making sense, the brutal reality of everything smacked me right in the face. My chest started feeling tighter as my heart beat picked up a little. The room felt like it was getting smaller with each breath I took. 

What is happening to me? I tried to shake it off but it only got worse, all I could focus on was my breathing and my dad. 

"Are you ok?" Kole asked. 

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