Chapter 13

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Kole POV

   My phone vibrating on my nightstand is what woke me up, when I grabbed it I seen it was 2am. Then I seen it was Robby, he must've figured out something more involving Lexi's dad. 

   I slowly sat up trying not to wake her, she usually slept pretty heavy but I didn't want to chance it. She already had a lot on her mind about her moms death so I'm not going to bombard her with anything I don't have all the information on first. Although she is handling all this better than the average person. Once it was clear, I moved off the bed and stepped out of my room down the stairs. 

   Opening my phone again I called Robby, per usual he answered on the first ring. 

   "Whats up bro sorry for calling you so late" he said 

   "Not a problem, what do you got?" I asked with a bit of anticipation built up in my voice. 

   "I hacked Greg's GPS in his car, luckily for us he kept the same system in his car from before Lexi's dads death. His car pinged at the location of her dads crash, which means he was there during and after the wreck." he explained before taking a deep breath in. 

   "Is that it?" I asked wondering why the late night call about something we already guessed. 

   "No" he said hesitantly. "I've been watching his movements real time as well, and he's been sitting on your street a few blocks down from your house since your girls moms death. So I hacked his phone records again and looked to see who he's been talking too while he's out there." 


   "He's been talking to Tommy" he said as silence filled the line while I took in that information. Since he didn't say a last name I more than knew he meant my old best friend Tommy, the one that I can't contact right now because of the investigation going on with him and his dad. How the hell would he be connected in some small town shit like this and why. 

   "Keep watching him" I said

   "Got it. One more thing, he's out there now" and with that he hung up. 

   I slowly put the phone down, gripping it tightly in my hand. Something isn't adding up, us moving here and him somehow having a connection to Greg, I'm assuming for years before I even knew these people existed. 

   As much as I don't want to involve my dad yet, I need too. We have a connection now other than Lexi who somehow is now connected to Tommy because of her dad. Tommy must know that we live here now since Greg has been sitting outside my house even if hes just looking for Lexi, he would have said who she's staying with. Unless he doesn't know but I highly doubt that, I also can't assume Tommy is doing anything hurtful to our partnership yet either. 

   Glancing at the clock I see it's 2:15am, its too late so it'll have to wait till morning. Yawning I make my way back to the room then my phone starts ringing again. I seen it was Robby again so I answered

   "What's up?"

   "His car is moving up closer, hes only two houses down to the right of your front door now" he said in a semi urgent tone. 

   "Is that different from any other night?" I asked 

   "Yes usually he turns around in a drive way near where he sits and goes the opposite way." 

   "Thanks I got it" I said hanging up rushing down the stairs to the fire place, grabbing the gun my father had hidden. I cocked it quickly heading toward my parents room knocking 3 times to alert my father, he was a very light sleeper and its a code we've used since I was younger. I wasn't even 4 steps away before I heard his door open and a gun cocking as he followed behind me. I turned as stopped before the stairs to look at him 

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