Chapter 28

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It was a little disappointing that Grace didn't answer the phone when I dialed her as we headed that way over. I knew Kole wasn't too fond of the idea of us going over there after everything that's happened, but deep down I felt an extreme amount of guilt for what my family has put hers through. I can't say I wouldn't have tried to clear my dads name if the roles were flipped. Knowing the new info that I know now, its obvious my dad was a lot different than who I thought. 

"Still no answer?" Kole asked as I checked my phone for the 3rd time. 

"Not yet, but we can still go over there. I want to apologize to her and talk to her about everything. Plus she might know more about my dad and what was going on" I replied 

"You don't need to apologize for anything, you have every right to feel how you felt. Just because certain rolls were reversed with Greg and your dad doesn't mean you are at fault for anything. Your the only innocent person in all this" he reassured me. 

I gave him a smile and reached for his hand giving it a squeeze. The sun was radiating off his skin giving him a glow, on top of his perfect jaw line. He was absolutely beautiful, inside and out. With everything going on I haven't got to really sit and enjoy his company lately.

During the small moments my head isn't spinning my feelings are more than clear for him, at least to myself. He was the spark in my life, a protector, a sweet heart, genuine and has proven time and time again how much I mean to him. I would be dumb not too tell him how I feel, I just don't want everything going on to ruin it or put him in more danger. I still haven't told him about Tommy's creepy promise and his actions while we were on the plane. I didn't want him to retaliate and then possibly get hurt or worse. Tommy and Pete were sneaky, and didn't face things head on unless absolutely necessary.  In reality I was just ready to forget about them, even though I know its not possible until all of this is over and the truth comes out. 

"You ok?" Kole asked pulling me back to reality. 

"Uh yeah just thinking" I replied smiling as I realized we were parked down the street from Graces house. 

"Ready?" he asked taking his seatbelt off after he released my hand. 

I nodded my head doing the same before opening my door and getting out. The butterflies in my stomach turning to nervousness as we approached her house. I don't even know what I'm going to say, its clear her and her family are scared of mine so that doesn't really help. 

As we approached the door I noticed the front door was cracked. 

"Thats weird" I mumbled to myself stopping in front of the door, giving Kole a look. 

He nodded stepping in front of me before pushing the door open with the back of his hand. 

"Hello?" I said down the main hall waiting on an answer but there wasn't one. Kole looked back at me to make sure we were on the same page before taking a step in. 

I followed behind him while we slowly walked toward  the living area, the suddenly Kole stopped causing me to run straight into his back. 

"Whats going on?" I asked trying to look over his tall figure. Instead of answering he did a 180 cupping my face in his hands. 

"You don't want to see this" he said calmly staring into my eyes. 

"What do you mean? What is it?" I asked as my heart began to race, my feet getting ahead of my brain as I tried to move passed him. But he stepped in my way this time placing his hands softly on my shoulders,   

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