Chapter 36

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Kole POV  

"You're Lexi's mom" I said flat out to her. Her eyes grew wide as her hand grabbed the door trying to shut it. I quickly put my foot in between the opening, 

"Stop you don't understand. She's in danger and I need your help" I said as calmly as possible, pulling out the bloody piece of paper. I unraveled it and shoved it through the opening in her face, 

"Where did you get this? How do you know my daughter?" She asked hesitantly while still holding the door against my foot. 

"IF you would let me in I could explain everything. Or you can sit here and continue to do nothing while your daughter struggles through the shit show of a life you and her dad left her in." I snapped taking my foot from the door letting it slam in her face. As angry as I was, I wanted to kick the door down but instead I let out a big sigh and headed back toward the car. 

My phone started ringing bringing my feet to a halt once I seen it was a private number. 

"Hello" I answered 

"Hello old friend" Tommys voice came through the speaker. "You'll never find her" he added at the end before hanging up. 

"FUCKKK" I screamed getting ready to throw my phone across the driveway, but Lexi's moms voice stopped me. 

"Excuse me" she said timidly from behind me. "What's going on with Lexi? I'll help in whatever way I can" 

I slowly turned on my heels to face her, "Before we get into that I need to know I can trust you" I stated 

"Trusted? I'm her mother I'll do anything to protect her" she said with a little bit of an attitude. 

"A mother who fake died right in front of her kid, who has been kidnapped for the second time by the way. By the people you're probably hiding from while she's fought it face on! She's my girl and it's been me and MY family protecting and caring for her! So yeah, you do need to prove your trustworthy so I can do what I do best and save her fucking life" I said raising my voice a little. 

Her eyes filled with water as tears streamed down her face, "David was someone I cared about deeply, he used to work for Tommy and his father during all the mess with John. We had an affair, and he used his connections to help fake my death and hide me. I thought she would be better off without me" she pleaded. I didn't believe that last part, but I don't have any more time to waste. 

"Look, all I need to know is if you know of anywhere they could've taken her. Do you remember where they held you when they had you? Or the area?" I asked feeling the desperation starting to show. 

"Umm" she hummed as she looked off trying to remember. "They took me because they found out I was an informant for the FBI. They kept a bag over my head up until we got to the place they held me."  

"You were or are?" I pried 

"Not anymore, as far as they know I'm dead and gone." she answered 

"Tommy is going to really hurt Lexi if I can't find them before he disappears. Try and think, what were the noises of your surroundings, did you walk upstairs or down when he took you to where you were being held. Or even certain smells that might come up." I asked 

 She shut her eyes for a moment before speaking again "We didn't walk downstairs we took an elevator, I remember hearing the doors and feeling the drop. It was completely silent once we reached the right floor, or basement I should say. It smelt like mildew." She explained with her eyes still shut. 

"What did you hear before you went on the elevator?" I asked calmly 

"Traffic, people honking their horns, a lot of people talking in the distance" she confirmed before opening her eyes. 

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