Chapter 15

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Flash back ------ 1 day before the accident----- Lexi POV

      The bell ringing was like music to my ears, I hurried to my locker after class to grab my cheer bag and stuff to take to Graces house for our girls night after practice. I pulled my phone out seeing my dad was calling me. 

   "Hey dad" I answered as I shut my locker

   "Hey baby how was school? You still wanting to stay over at Graces tonight?" he asked 

   "Good and yeah I was going to ride with her after practice" I replied walking down the hall toward the gym. 

   "I was thinking you stay home tonight and we have a family movie night" he offered. 

   Usually on Mondays he spent his time late at the office, and even though I wanted to go to Graces I wanted to spend time with my parents more. They are my best friends, and ever since I can remember we have always been a close knit family. My grandparents on both sides passed away when I was younger, so its always just been us three. 

   "Sounds good to me" I agreed 

   "Ok your mom and I will pick you up after practice love you"

   "Love you too" I replied before hanging up the phone as I walked in the gym. 

      After practice was over Grace came and sat next to me on the bench. 

   "You ready for nails and face masks tonight?" she asked taking a drink of her water.

   "I'm actually staying in tonight, my dad called and wants to have family night. I meant to tell you before practice but I was already behind and forgot." I said mentally slapping myself. 

   "I thought your dad had to work late?" she asked dryly pulling her phone out dialing someone before holding it up to her ear. 

   "Well apparently not tonight" I replied throwing my stuff in my gym bag. "Rain check?" 

   "Sure" she said as she got up and walked off leaving me sitting there with a confused look on my face.

    She's been more needy lately than usual, I mean I don't mind it but we just recently started being on the best friend level. Before she would just come over whenever her dad did and that was it, but the last few months we started having sleepovers and hanging out in school getting closer. Our personalities were very.... different, but they meshed in their own way.

   Blowing it off I grabbed my stuff making my way outside toward the back parking lot, I seen my dads black GMC and headed toward it. I opened the back door and threw my bag in before I hopped up in my seat. 

   "Hey sweetie" My mom said looking back from the passenger seat. 

    I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek then telling her about my day and practice. My dad was quiet and focused on the road, his phone rang causing us to pause our conversation. Whoever it was was obviously yelling on the other line, I couldn't hear the words but I heard the echo of the screams. 

   "I'm doing what I have to do" my dad said and then he hung the phone up and turned it off. 

    "Everything okay?" my mom asked looking a little concerned. 

   "Yeah just a bad deal at work that I need dropped before it causes more issues" he replied giving her a smile reaching his hand over interlacing their fingers. 

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