Chapter 23

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Kole POV

    "What do you mean? Is she in danger?" Grace asked looking from my mom to me. 

   "You can cut the act" I snapped causing her to jump a little. "Your shit for brain dad and Pete kidnapped her after crashing their car into ours" 

   Her eyes grew wider and her mouth dropped open a little. "Are you sure it was my dad?" she asked almost sounding a little worried. 

   "As sure as we are that he also helped kill both her parents too. So pull your phone out and call your dad" my mom said, her face blank from emotion now. Grace didn't move, she just stood there staring at her in shock. 

   "And whats that supposed to do? Even if he has her he wouldn't tell me where" she snapped, with her normal snotty attitude back. 

   Before I could say anything I see my mom pull her gun out and cock it, walking over to Grace until she was standing directly in front of her. 

    "Call him and tell him to come home. If I notice your trying to be sneaky I'll show you exactly what we're willing to do to get her back safely" my mom demanded.

    This time Grace did exactly what she said, keeping her voice steady she dialed Greg and put in on speaker. 

   "What's up honey" he answered 

   "Hey dad I have to talk to you about something important, but not over the phone" Grace replied in a calm voice. 

   "Alright I can be home in about an hour?" he replied

   "Could you come now? It cant wait" she convinced him. 

    "This better be important I have a lot going on right now" he said before hanging the phone up. 

    My mom then held her hand out, signaling Grace to give it to her. She hesitated at first but followed orders, my mom gripped Grace's upper arm tightly walking her over to the sofa to sit down. We both took a seat on each side of her, I took my gun out now just in case Greg gets any funny ideas when he walks in. 

    "So do you really think my dad would do that?" Grace asked in almost a whisper 

    "After everything he's done I can't believe you even asked" I replied keeping my eyes on the door. She didn't respond to that, because she knew I was right. 

    10 minutes went by before we heard him pull in the drive way, I noticed Grace sit up straight once she heard his car door shut. 

    I leaned back a little on the sofa making sure my gun was facing exactly where he was going to be. The knob twisted and the door flung open as Greg walked in kicking the door shut behind him.

    "Grace! I'm here" he said in a louder tone as he walked in the living room. As soon as he seen me he stopped, his eyes going from me to Grace to my mom then back at Grace. 

   "Where is she" I said calmly 

   "Who? What the hell are you people doing in my house, having guns around my daughter!" he snapped raising his voice, sending me to my feet as I stared him down. 

   "Your in no position for demands so watch your fucking mouth. We know you know where Lexi is" I said loud and stern enough so he'd get the point. "We aren't leaving here until you help us figure it out." 

   "That's Pete not me! I wouldn't hurt Lexi!" he said trying to reason with me 

   "But you would kill both of her parents instead? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense" I replied sarcastically trying to keep a level head. 

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