He's back

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Sorry loves I didn't have a song for this chapter haha. I hope you enjoy it and it gets better. I have so much planned in my head it's cray cray heh. I hope you all are enjoying this so far and I'll update again soon. Love from me loves.


*Three Months Later*

Since telling Justin about the baby, well actually since Hope told him before I got an abortion, everything is going great. Besides the fact that I'm getting fatter. Of course Justin hates when I call it out because he says I'm not fat, that it's just our beautiful baby growing inside of me. And Chris being Chris calls me fatty, but I know he's only joking. He's my best friend he's mean to me but doesn't mean it. Everybody was happy to hear that me and Justin we're going to have a baby, except for Zak, he thought it was a joke at first, but we showed him and everyone the sonogram to in fact say I'm pregnant.

He didn't like that very much. I mean I know he likes me and all, but he can be at least happy for me. There's been tension between he and Justin since the fight and I've tried hard to get that settled but neither one of them want to be around each other. Unless it's all of us since there's more people to talk to. Stubborn, both of them are stubborn.

Me and Chris had decided to go out for lunch and Justin was going to met us after for a movie. My stomach was starting to get bigger so more people were starting to look. What's with people wanting to touch your belly all the time? Like don't touch me please. Of course I'm too nice to actually say it so I end up just holding it in and then go on and on about it after. They laugh at me when I do it too.

We had finished eating and were walking to where Justin was supposed to meet us. We stood in the spot as I fixed my shirt that began to ride up. "Fucking hell." I say lightly pulling my shirt down and Chris chuckles "It's okay fatty just tell Justin to but you maternity clothes." he says smiling and I point my finger at him. "No. I am not there yet. I refuse to go there till my shirts don't fit me." I say sternly and Chris laughs. "Baby girl, it looks like you already got there." he says gesturing to me pulling my shirt down. I glare at him and he holds back a smile.

Two police officers started towards us and I looked at Chris and he put his hands up "I didn't do anything I swear." and I laugh lightly. They approach us and look from me to Chris. "Are you Ms YN?" One of them says. His uniform was nice and neat. His brown hair barley showing from under his hat. His hands on his belt where his gun, taser and handcuffs were. I nodded and they smiled at me lightly.

"We're so sorry to bother you but we need you to come down to the station with us." the other one says and I shake my head putting my hands on my belly. "I will not. I have done nothing wrong." I say and he nods. "Of course you haven't ma'am it's just procedure, we just have to inform you on something-" he starts but then I cut him off. "I'm meeting my boyfriend so if you have to tell me something you can tell me right here, right now." I say sternly and Chris looks at me as if I were crazy to talk to a Police Officer like that. He sighs and then the other Officer joins in once again.

"Jake Anderson ma'am do you remember your ex boyfriend Jake Anderson." he asks moving his weight from one leg to the other. "Yes. How can I not. Why are you asking me about him. Did he get butt raped like I wished?" I said and realized I said that last part out loud and Chris started laughing. The cop shakes his head and I hide my smile and then speaks up again "Well, he has escaped from Prison and we have thought he would come after you again just like last time" he says again. My heart fell and my breathing hitched. I stepped back and almost fell but Chris caught me. "Baby girl be careful. I got you its okay."

My head was spinning and my body was feeling numb and tingly. He couldn't have escaped. "How bad of fucking Police Officers do you have for him to fucking escape! Can't you all do your jobs right for once and keep a fucking convict in his fucking cell for Christ sake!" I yell at them and Chris's eyes go wide as he grabs my arms. "For fuck sake he's one guy against a whole fucking prison of Officers! Keep your fucking eyes open and do your fucking job right! Get your head out of your asses! What's the meaning of you people if you can't do a simple fucking task! Keeping the environment safe and crime free my fucking fat ass!" I yell again.

They didn't say anything, there eyes grew wide as they watched a pregnant lady yell at them. "Fuck you both! Thank you so very fucking much for telling me I'm in danger again! Really. But wait! You wouldn't have had to if you did what you're supposed to do you fucking peanut brain sized fucking cops!" I yell and by this time Justin was coming and saw what was going on. "Justin a little help!" Chris yelled and Justin darted towards us as I kept screaming my head off on how they were useless. Justin grabbed my upper body and picked me up and Chris grabbed the lower end of me.

"Hormones." Justin says rolling his eyes and laughing lightly as they start to walk away and carry me along with them. I gave up on yelling as they carried me and I was full on pissed that I didn't even care people were looking at two guys carrying a furious pregnant woman. We got to Justin's dorm considering it was closer and they put me down. "I need fucking ice cream!" I yell and they both jump. "I'll get it!" Chris and Justin yell at the same time. I glare at both of them and they begin to fight over it. "For fucks sake it's just ice cream not a million dollars!" I yell again and Chris runs the other direction. "Goodluck Jay!" He yells as the door slams and Justin huffs.

I'm looking at him and he turned back around looking at me. He smiled softly and started scratching the back of his neck. "Babe what was all that about?" He asks and I huff and stomp to his bed and crawl in it. I pull the covers up over me and cross my arms. The anger was starting to go away, but soon another emotion filled me. It wasn't anger, but just pure fear. I start crying and cover my face with my hands as Justin comes to me quickly. "What's wrong baby." he says lightly grabbing my hands and pulling them down from my face.

"Jake escaped Justin. They can't do their fucking jobs. What if he finds me again Justin, I can't loose this baby." I say, the tears falling down my cheeks as I begin to slowly rub my tummy. I could tell Justin was furious himself at the fact of remembering Jake. We all wanted to just forget it, but somehow it found its way back into my life. "Babe, look at me," he starts his finger under my chin to bring my face up and look at him.

"I would never let him hurt you or our baby ever again. I promise you, you're safe as long as you're with me. And I bet all of your friends would keep you safe." he's says and I sigh shaking my head. "They don't even know about that. I never told them." I said lightly and laying down, my tummy sticking in the air. "Well I think it's time to tell them babe." he says back and starts rubbing my tummy.

He pulls the blankets down uncovering me and I whine as he chuckles lightly. His hands grip the end of my shirt and he lifts it up, my tummy showing. He leans down and places both his hands on the side of my stomach and kisses it as I giggle lightly. He looks up at me, a smirk coming across his face. "Have I ever told you how fucking sexy you look right now." he says, his voice low and raspy. I shake my head and his smirk grows more. He begins to crawl up to me, hovering over me. He begins to kiss my neck and I close my eyes enjoying the feeling. His lips near my ear "I heard it's healthy to have sex durning pregnancy." he whispers. His warm minty breathe sending shivers all down my body.

I bit my lip and the want for him was so much there. I wanted to have sex with him now. He pulled away and looked down at me, I looked up at him. His eyes a darker shade, his hair falling forward but it looking so fucking hot. I licked my lips and wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him in and kissing his lips roughly. He loved it, because soon he was moaning in my mouth. I pull at his shirt and he pulls away and takes his shirt off fast and soon attaches our lips once again. He reaches between us and takes off my pants as he takes his off too. The need for him in me was so much there. I needed to feel him inside of me.

He bites my neck and sucks harshly at the skin. I moan as he puts his head near my entrance. Rubbing it up and down between my lips, I didn't like the teasing he was doing, but I also loved it. He pushed into me and a moan leaves my mouth. He stuffs himself all the way in me and I feel happy feeling him inside of me. I wrap my legs around his waist and he keeps himself up so he isn't on my belly. He starts thrusting into me and I grip onto the sheets of the bed. the pregnancy heightening everything. The emotion of fear disappearing and being taken over by pure ecstasy.

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