New Friend

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I lay still, as my throat is aching from dryness. I let out a harsh cough that makes my ears ring and my head pound, leaving my throat throbbing. I open my eyes slowly, bright lights making my head pound even more. I groan lightly and keep my eyes open as they start to adjust. I was in a white room. In front of me on the wall was a big board. It had faces and numbers to rate your pain level. Right now I was at a 5. It was bearable but I was still in pain. I look down and my tummy was still there. I immediately start wondering about my baby. I kick the covers off of me and pull up my gown not even caring that I wasn't wearing underwear for some odd reason. There was a large bandage on the side of my stomach.

The tears left my eyes and I touch my stomach. Not feeling anything. Not feeling my baby move inside of me. My heart begins to race making the monitor next to me beep faster and faster. A nurse runs in and grabs my arms as I begin to throw a fit right there. She's trying to keep me calm but I'm not listening to some nurse that isn't telling me anything.

''My baby! My baby is my baby okay?!'' I yell at her but she isn't telling me anything. She refuses to tell me anything but grabs ahold of my arms trying to keep me down. I continue to yell and seconds later Justin comes running in beside me. Holding my hands and looking at me then to the nurse.

''Let her go.'' he says and the nurse looks at him, putting her lips together and lets her grip go on me. I give her an evil glare before I look back at Justin. His knuckles were bloody and had cuts in them. But his face didn't have one cut visible.

''Our baby Justin. Is our baby okay. I don't feel it moving. Please tell me its okay Justin.'' I ask him, my voice cracking as I begin to cry. He wipes the tears running down my face and smiles lightly at me.

''Sweetie are baby is fine. Its perfect. Jake didn't push the glass into you hard enough to get to the baby. Our baby is okay.'' he says, I exhale a long breathe I was holding in and smile lightly.

''Why didn't the bitch nurse tell me that. It wasn't so fucking hard.'' I say lightly and Justin chuckles looking behind me and at the nurse still standing there. I look back and see she's eyeing me.

''What. What are you going to do I was already fucking stabbed do something I dare you.'' I say and she huffs and exits the room. Justin starts laughing harder then he already was and I look back at him. I look down at my stomach and rub it lightly as he places his hands over mine. My mind starts to wander as I soon remember Zak was there. My head lifts fast and I look at Justin.

''Zak. Where's Zak is he okay? And Jake. Did the police arrest Jake. Again. Fuckers need to do there fucking job right.'' I say and lay back down and Justin sits on the side of the bed holding my hands.

''Zak is fine. He got stabbed in the shoulder, but other than that he is okay. And Jake. Jake is dead YN. My back was facing away from him after I beat the living shit out of him. So I didn't see him coming towards me with a shard of glass. But Zak did. He pushed me out of the way, which is why he got stabbed in the shoulder. But he had his own piece of glass and it entered Jake's heart. He could never hurt you again baby.'' he says and moves my hair away from my face. My breathing becomes steady and I think about the thought of Jake actually being dead. That he is no longer on this earth to ever hurt me again. That I wont have to worry that he will escape once again and come after me. I was finally safe. And I had nothing to be scared about.

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