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I watched as YN talked on the phone, Addison sat in front of me on the floor playing with the twins. She was laughing and making them laugh.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her. What if she does end up being mine? I don't even take care of myself right. How am I supposed to take care of a kid? I'm not just going to abandon her either. I may be a dick but that's just completely wrong to leave your child.

"Da-Zak, what kind of car is this?" She asks turning around and holding up the toy car. I lean over and look at it in her hands

"It's a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T" I tell her and she nods her head picking up the other one from the floor.

"I know this is a Chevy Camaro off road. From the way it looks I think it's a 2008 car. Right Zak?" She says and my mouth parts as she blinks at me

"That's exactly right actually. How do you know about cars Addison?" Justin says and she smiles setting the car back down on the ground and looks at Justin

"My mommys friend. He tells me a lot about cars. I even helped him fix a car one time. It was really fun. Oily and messy, but fun." She says giggling and I smile at her.

"Yeah? What's your favorite car?" Justin asks again and she touched her finger to her chin, tapping it lightly as she looks up to think.

" A 2012 mustang Shelby gt500. A red one. With a thick black strip going down the middle" she says giggling right after and my mouth drops.

I am officially impressed with this little girl smiling wide at me and Justin. She's 4 years old yet she knows so much and talks like she's older than 4. She speaks clearly, she doesn't mumble or jumble her words. She talks as if she's 12 and knows exactly what to say. She's smart. But how smart?

"Hey Addison?" I say leaning forward and resting on my legs and she looks up at me raising her eyebrows.

"What's 10 times 10?" I ask and she looks up and Justin scoffs.

"You can't ask her that she's only 4" he says and Addison looks at me and then at Justin

"It's 100" she says and then looks at Justin and I smile and look over at Justin who's staring at her.

"How about 12 times 24" I ask and she looks up, I'm guessing that's how she just concentrates

"288" she says and I smile wider and think of more numbers to give her

"How about 3.45 times 34" Justin asks her and sits down next to me as we both watch as she looks up

"117.3" she says and I look at Justin

"Dude. Is that correct?" I ask and he looks at me and grabs his phone out quickly, typing the numbers into the calculator and for it to come out as 117.3 "Oh shit. What about 45 times 11.6" I say and she sighs and starts concentrating as Justin types the numbers in

"522 daddy" she says and then turns back around to play with the twins and I look at the answer to see that's exactly it.

"Oh shit dude she's a genius!" I say and Justin chuckles

"You're right. Maybe she isn't yours" he says and then stands up and I scoff

"Fuck you Justin" I say and Addison gasps and turns around looking at me

"Daddy! Language!" She says and I look at her

"Fuck isn't a bad word" I say and she turns around facing me and nods her head

"Yes it is" she says and I shake my head

"No it isn't." I say and she narrows her eyes

"Yeah huh" she tells me and I lean forward

"Nuh uh" I say and she crosses her arms over her chest

"Yeah huh!" She says louder and I smile at her

"Nuh uh" I tell her back and she huffs

"Fine if it isn't a bad word I can say it. Fu-" she starts but I cover her mouth with my hand

"Addison, you were not about to say a bad word!" I say and she moves my hand and pouts

"But you just said-" she starts but I shake my head and stand up

"You shouldn't say bad words little lady" I say and walk away from her and she huffs

"You're mean!" She says and I chuckle as I walk over to YN

"So? What's happening?" I ask her and on cue she hangs up her phone and then looks at me.

"I was able to get you an appointment today to find out if she's yours. But they said the results could take 3 to 5 days" she says and I stand up straight

"3 to 5 days. YN I don't have 3 to 5 days to take care of a kid. I have needs ya know. I can't do this." I say and YN rolls her eyes. "Maybe-" I start but YN cuts me off

"No. I am not taking care of her. I said I will help you. Not completely take her away from you. You are an adult Zak. Time to start acting like it. It doesn't matter if you have needs. With that little girl with you. The sex, the drinking. Has to stop." She says pointing her finger at me and I roll my eyes as Justin comes to us.

"So what's happening here." He asks and YN looks at him.

"We should get the boys ready. Zak and Addison have an appointment for their test in an hour." She says and I sigh heavily as Justin nods.

"Maybe we can do one." He suggests and I let out a snicker and YN looks at him, giving him that glare that all women seem to have.

"And why would we have to do that." She says sternly and Justin shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know." He says and looks down and YN scoffs passing him and going to the boys and I let out a laugh and Justin chuckles lightly.

She grabs the boys and starts heading up stairs as Justin turns around to look at her.

"Wait! Is it too late now to say sorry!" He asks and YN flicks him off continuing up stairs leaving me laughing so hard.

I'm extremely worried about this test. If it's negative then I won't have to take care of a kid, which seems amazing. I would like for that to happen. But if it's positive. I don't know if I can do like what YN said. Sex and drinking is who I am. It's what makes up me. I can't just automatically stop that because of some random kid that just happens to be mine right?

I don't know anything about her, why should I stop my life to take care of her. It just seems impossible for me to stop something that I've been doing since middle school. The person I am is who I've always been. I don't know if I can stop it.

What what! Here's another chapter for you my beautiful lovelies.

If no one has told you, you're beautiful and I love you.

And remember lovelies. A female ferret will die if she doesn't have sex for a year. So if you have a female ferret, make sure she gets enough sex so she can live.

Update again soon beautifuls

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