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I'm sorry my beautiful lovelies. But today during school I had to write two pages about 4 questions my English teacher asked me.

And let me just say. I feel like my writer in me came out. Heh.

This is what I wrote for the last question. Maybe some will relate. Maybe it's just me. I dunno.

"I don't know for sure what I plan to do after high school really. I guess I've never really known for sure what I wanted to do and become after high school. I've tried to think about the things I love doing. Massage therapist, Chief, Artist, Writer? I seem to love doing all of it but never actually pictured myself being at one of those jobs and making that into who I am, and who I want to be. I've seen kids my age knowing exactly what they want to do and become. I've come close to that feeling of  happiness of what I want to do. But it soon passes by me and then I'm left wondering if I'll ever make anything of myself. If I'll ever be the person I want myself to become. But I suppose soon enough that moment will come to me. But in the meantime, while I wait, I'll be flipping burgers with my family in hopes it'll come soon."

This bitch better get a hundred. 😂

But anyhow!

I didn't know if other people were having this same problem. Not really knowing your place in the real world right now and still trying to figure it out.

I'm here to say that, you're not alone. I'm a Junior in high school. I'm gonna be 17 on the 8th of January. I write fanfiction on my free time. And yet when I think of my life after high school. It's a blank. I don't know what I'll do or become.

And maybe that's okay. Because I'll learn on the way. And you will too. That's what life is consisted of. Learning.

So if you're like me. Don't feel bad that you don't have this whole real life stuff planned out. It'll happen.

We just gotta be patient and deal with what life throws at us.

And I'm hoping life will throw Niall Horan in my bed, but that's a different story.

Love from me lovelies 💘

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