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Picture of Jessica Jarrell in case you didn't know who she was :)


We arrived to her apartment and Addison looked up at me, a big smile on her face and then she looked to the door. Am I honestly going to YN after the way I treated her? I will admit, I was a huge dick to her, and she didn't deserve that. I've just always saw me and YN together, which I guess is part of the reason that I don't get in a real relationship. I'm secretly hoping her and Justin work out and that's when I sweep in.

It's silly to think that, but YN was mine before he came back into the picture. I know we were just having sex, but I ended up gaining feelings for her, the sex with her was a lot better than the sex I have with any other girl I have sex with now. Maybe it was because of the feelings I had for her, or maybe she was just better then every girl I've been with.

''Are you going to knock dad?'' Addison says, snapping me from my thoughts and I nod my head but don't move, she sighs loudly and walks forward her little hand knocking against the door. I look down at her, finally realizing she called me 'dad' again.

''I told you not to call me dad.'' I say and she ignores me, staring at the door, I hear laughing and talking, YNs voice coming closer to the door and I instantly regret coming over here. ''I change my mind. Lets go.'' I say and start walking but she stays still, trying to pull me back.

The door opens and she lets go of my hand, making me trip forward, I turn around quickly to see her standing up straight with a big smile on her face, YN doesn't see me. Maybe I can make a run for it? But I can't just lave the kid. Can I?

''Well hello there sweetie. What can I do for you?'' YN says squatting down to get to her height and she smiles more, moving her hair from her face and holding onto the straps on her shoulders.

''Me and my daddy came over here. He wanted me to meet new people.'' she says and YN smiles at her

''Yeah? Where's your daddy?'' YN asks and I freeze oh crap oh crap.

''Right there.'' she giggles and points over to me and YN turns, her eyes widening when she see's me.

''Zak?'' she says shocked and I let out a nervous chuckle and start towards them, she stands up and stares at me, her eyes wide as she looked at me.

''Uh. Hi YN.'' I say nervously and YN looked from me to the little girl standing next to me.

''Did she call you daddy?'' YN says ad I looked down to see her looking up at me with her green eyes

''Uh. Yeah. Yeah she did. Though I told her not to, because I'm not,'' I say looking at her and she sighs crossing her arms over her chest.

''How many times are you going to say that daddy?'' she says and I roll my eyes and squat down next to her staring into her eyes.

''Till it gets through your head.'' I tell her and she looks at me sadly, her eyes getting bigger as she looked at me.

''Zak, be nice. Sweetie why don't you go on inside, me and Zak will be there in a minute.'' I say and she nods smiling at YN big and walks inside as I watch her look around their apartment.

''What are you doing here Zak? And why didn't you tell us you had a child?'' She asks me quietly and I lean against her door frame, crossing my arms over my chest.

''One: Because I don't know what to do with her, and I don't know how to take care of a kid. You have two, so I figured there is no one better than you. Two: She's not mine.'' I say casually and she scoffs

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