Father Daughter

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''Addie, do you want a cookie hun.'' I say, a plate full of chocolate chip cookies, Addie sat at the window seal, staring outside, watching as the clouds moved and the sun begin to set, she barely touched her dinner, but I know cookies have always made her feel better. And right now, that's all I wanted.

She was crying and crying as we left Zak. She didn't want to leave him, but finding out that he's not her dad just hurt her more. She grew up knowing and thinking Zak was her dad for 4 years. And now, she's having 4 years of pain finding out it was wrong.

I could've sworn it was Zak. I don't remember being with anyone else before or after him. But it's been 4 years, of course I can't remember. I just made a horrible mistake telling my daughter that it's someone without being sure. And it's all backfiring right now.

She's so sad and hurt and I don't know if I can do anything about it to help. If I am able to do anything to help.

"No thank you mommy." She says quietly, her eyes never wandering anywhere but straight outside.

"Sweetie. Are you okay baby" I say and kneel next to her. She sighs and stays quiet, her bottom lip pouting out. "C'mon sweetie. Let's go take you a bath and we'll watch some of your favorite movies all night and eat your favorite junk food. How's that sound Hun" I ask her, and she nods her head and turns from the window reaching for my hand.

"Can we watch Frozen first mommy?" She asks, her green eyes big and I laugh lightly and nod my head. She stands up and I set the plate of cookies down and we start towards her room.

I need to at least try to get her mind off of this. Which involves doing the things she loves. Eating and movies. If that makes her feel better, than that's exactly what we're gonna do.


The doorbell started to ring rapidly, I groan, the credits rolling for the movie we were watching, and honestly, I don't remember what movie it was.

Chips and cookies were spread out at the foot of the bed, Addie laid on my lap, fast asleep. I fell asleep sitting down, my back against the headboard with a bunch of pillows next to me for comfort.

The doorbell still ringing and I groan looking at the time to see its only 8. I gently pick up Addie's head and move from underneath her and cover her while I try not to punch whoever is at my front door.

I pad along the floor quickly, my anger increasing from the rapid ringing filling my house.

"Okay I hear you!" I yell when I get closer to the door, and the ringing stops and I roll my eyes. Finally.

I get to the door and begin unlocking it, quickly swinging it open to see Zak standing there. His hair messy, as he had this dopey smile across his face.

"Zak? What are you doing here?" I ask and he lets out a breathe running his hands through his hair, letting me know why his hair was so messy.

"You said I can come when I wanted to see her." He says and smiles lightly and I nod my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah. But I didn't think it would be this late." I say and he rocks back and fourth on his legs, his hands in his pockets.

"There was traffic. But. It was important." He says and I sigh and move my hair behind my ear and look at him.

"What's so important?" I ask him. And he licks his lips and smiles at me.

"Awhile after you left the clinic called me back again. And I thought they were just going to remind me that the test was negative. But they didn't." He says and I furrow my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders

"Okay. So?" I say and he clears his throat and looks at me intently

"So. When they called they told me there was a mix up in the tests. They told me someone else's paternity test. But then they told me mine. Addie is my daughter Amaya." He says and my lips part slightly.

"What" I ask and he smiles bigger, a chuckle leaving his mouth.

"The test was positive. I'm her dad" he says chuckling lightly and I smile holding my hand to my mouth.

"Mommy?" I hear Addie's tired voice say. I look back to see her tiny self standing there, she rubbed at her eyes, her night gown at her ankles, her hair down and wavy.

She looked up, her tired eyes opening more as she saw Zak standing at our door. Her face relaxing more as she stared at him and him at her.

"Zak?" She says, her voice low and soft and I looked at Zak who had a small smile across his face.

"Don't call me that" he says and I look at Addie who put her eyebrows together and shrugged her shoulders.

"Then what am I supposed to call you." She says with sass in her voice, I will admit. She gets that from me.

"You're supposed to call me dad." He says and I smile and look back at Addie, her little mouth parted as she stared at him.

"But. You said. You said you couldn't be my daddy." She says, her little voice cracking slightly as she pouted her bottom lip out.

Zak stepped into the house and I stood back a little bit to watch them two. To see how happy Addie will get when she finds out.

"That's before I found out the clinic did a shit job and mixed up our tests. Before I found out you were my daughter." I say and her bottom lip comes out more as it began to shake, the way it does when she's about to cry.

"Are you my daddy." She says, her voice shaky and scratchy, Zak nods his head and she lets out a sob and begins to run carefully to him, he stuck his arms out and waited for her to meet his hands.

She ran quickly, tears streaming down her face as she ran into Zak's hands and he picked her up, raising her in the air as her hands rested on his shoulders, their heads together as Addie was in the air. She was smiling, laughing, crying, all at the same time. And I stood there and watched, my daughter finally had a dad. She was happy, and he was happy.

"I love you daddy." Addie says, sniffling and Zak pulls her close to him, her head tucking into his neck as her legs tried wrapping around him, her tiny arms around his neck and he held her with both arms around her, his face in her hair as he smiled.

"I love you too Addie." He whispers and I smile and let out a soft cry watching them two.

This was all Addie ever needed. She needed a dad. And now she finally has him. And he wants to be her dad. Their was a bond already there between the two.

A strong bond that couldn't be broken.

Fun fact!

Female penguins engage in a form of prostitution. Researchers have repeatedly observed female penguins exchanging sexual favors with male penguins that aren't their mates in exchange for pebbles they will use to build nests for their babies.

Aww heh.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter lovelies! Goodnight! I'll update soon beautifuls

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