Meeting Eve

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"Guys please take your feet off the table. Eve is going to be here any minute!" I tell them and they both sigh and drag their feet off the table. I paced back and fourth, fixing small little things. Justin and Chris watched the game and the kids were on the floor babbling and making bubbles with their mouth.

"YN, please stop pacing you're making me nervous" Chris says and I stop and stand still. He looks at me and then at the spot on the couch next to him. I sigh and go towards him and plop myself down on the couch. "Thank you. Just relax baby girl, I wouldn't know why you're nervous, Eve should be the one nervous." He says and I sigh and nod my head.

"Mommy" Luke says and I look at him

"Mommy" Alex copies him and my eyes widen. I cover my mouth and they both giggle

"Did they just-" Chris starts and I nod my head

"Was that their first-" Justin says and I nod

They sat there smiling and giggling looking at us and i squealed dropping onto the floor next to them and hugging them the boys join me and the babies start laughing

"Say daddy" Justin says and the boys look at him as we sat on the floor "Daddy. Daddy. Come on say daddy" Justin repeats himself and they throw their hands up and down slapping their thighs

"Daddy!" Alex says and then giggles

"Daddy!" Luke copies and we cheer and clap as they laugh and clap

"Say Chris!" Chris yells and the babies look at him "Chris" he repeats and they smile and shake their heads

"I don't think they wanna say your name babe" we hear a girl say and we all turn around fast to see Eve standing there. "Sorry to just barge in, the door was unlocked and I heard you all cheering" she says smiling lightly and I shake my head picking up Alex and walking to her.

"No it's no problem. We were just celebrating" I say and she smiles and Alex looks at Eve and reaches out to her as I try to control him

"Who's this little guy" Eve says holding Alex's hand as they reached out to her

"This is Alex, and he's not giving up on wanting to go with you" I laugh lightly and try to pull Alex away but he doesn't give up

"May I?" She asks looking at me and then at Alex, I nod my head and hand him to her and he smiles and slaps his hand over her chest

"Hey hey. Those aren't for you" Chris says and comes over with Luke as Eve laughs

"Just like his daddy" I say and Justin looks at me and I smirk

Luke throws himself to Eve and Chris fumbles with him.

"Looks like my boys have no problem with you" I say and she laughs lightly and she holds both Luke and Alex. They both look down her shirt and slap their hands on her chest and I sigh and shake my head smiling.

"Okay, none of that mister" I say and take Luke from Eve and Justin takes Alex. They begin to fumble around in our arms, throwing themselves back.

"Ris. Ris" Alex says turning to Chris and reaching out to him. "Ris! Ris!" He cries and Justin chuckles.

"Oh now you wanna say my name right." Chris says and grabs Alex from Justin's arms. He stays still and then reaches out to Eve and she giggles. "You're just using me to get to Eve!" He says and Alex giggles. Chris walks away from Eve and he starts throwing a fit in his arms and Luke just looks at his brother and then at Eve.

I hand Luke to Justin and walk to Chris and reach out for him, Chris hands him to me and he starts fumbling in my arms. I walk to Eve and he stops crying and starts to sniffle as he looks at her. Eve smiles lightly and I look at her and then at Alex. I walk away from Eve and he starts fumbling in my arms again. I turn around and walk to Eve and he stays still and then throws himself to her and she catches him. He giggles and puts his head down on her shoulder and closes his eyes.

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