Zipped Shut

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I wake up and Alex was sprawled on top of me and I laugh lightly. I turn my head to see Luke doing the same thing to Justin. We laid in Chris' bed. And I can say that it's clean. I cleaned his entire apartment last night. I couldn't leave it like that. It was messy and I hated it. I gently moved Alex off of me and went to go look for Chris.

I figured since we were in his bed he slept on his couch or something.

When I got to the living room I saw no Chris. I turned my head to the side. Confused. I looked at the time and it was already noon.

The door handle began to move and I looked at the door. Chris walked in, not seeing me, his head down low and he turned quickly and silently closed the door behind him.

He was wearing the same clothes from last night. I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Had fun last night?" I ask and he jumped and turned around quickly pressing his back against the door.

"YN. You scared me. Thought you'd be asleep still." He says pressing his back against the door.

"Waking up with kids you wake up early even if you don't want to. Now I repeat. Had fun last night?" I say looking at him and he looks around.

"Did you clean my apartment?" He changes the subject and I turn my head to the side and look at him. His face flustered. My mouth drops and my eyes widen.

"You had sex last night!" I scream and his head shoots up to me and he doesn't say anything. "Oh my god" I begin to laugh and his face gets redder. He runs to me and puts his hand over my mouth to muffle my laughing.

"YN. Stop." He says smiling and I bite my tongue. He uncovers my mouth and I keep smiling at him.

"As I said before. Did you clean my apartment?" He asks again and I nod my head looking around his apartment.

"1. It needed to be clean. 2. Was the sex good with her? 3. Do you know how long it took me to clean this whole apartment." I say and Chris looks at me and walks to his room.

"My apartment was fine. You don't need to know how last night went. And I didn't ask you to" he says laughing lightly and I follow behind him.

"No it was not. Yes I really do need to know how last night went. And you may not have, but this apartment was a dump"I whisper so I don't wake the kids. Chris pulls his shirt over his head and drops it to the floor and I look at the shirt on the ground then back at him. "And this is why you're house is a mess. Look Chris" I say and walk to his closet getting his hamper. "This is a hamper. This is a dirty shirt" I say and pick his shirt up from the floor. "Your dirty clothes go in here, the hamper, and look. No more clothes on the floor" I say and he looks at me and I put the hamper back in his closet and he chuckles.


"Chris c'mom. Tell us. We're your friends we're supposed to talk about things like this." YN whined. She's been asking Chris for hours about how his date went.

Has he answered?

Obviously not.

That's because YN is a girl, of course he won't tell her. But me. Me he will tell. We've done that for years since we met each other.

Except for the time I was dating his sister. That he wanted to know nothing about.

Chris ignored YN, like he's been doing since he got here, and walked to the kitchen. I followed behind him as YN sighed and pouted going to Alex and Luke and falling onto her butt next to them as they giggled.

I watched Chris as he opened his fridge and he looked at me. A blank stare on his face, then went back to looking through the fridge.

"So man. How did your date go last night?" I ask him and he chuckles closing the fridge door and setting leftover pizza on the counter.

"Jay. If I hadn't told YN, I won't tell you" he says and I look at him and he looks at me, scrunching his eyebrows together "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks and I just look at him.

"Bro. We always talk about how our dates went. It's the bro code." I say quietly and he nods his head

"Yeah I know. But I really like this girl. I just. I don't want to jinx anything by talking about it" he says calmly and I nod

"Alright man. I'll tell YN to back off about asking you" I laugh lightly and he laughs and runs his hands through his hair and groans

"Please. I love her and all but oh my god." He groans and I laugh more and pat his shoulder

Chris never worried about jinxing things. He actually didn't even believe in jinxing stuff. He didn't believe that actually was a real thing. So if he believes it now. He must really like this girl. And for Chris, that's big. He's had girlfriends before, but I've never seen him the way he is now.

Short chapter I know. I'm sorry loves but i just wanted to update. But!

Have you heard Sorry?! Mother of fucking pickles it's amazing! I love it! Do you love it?! You better or I will slap you across the face with a juicy pickle!

Look I got new emojis! 🤑🤓🤗🙄🤔🤐🤕🤒🤖🖖🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼✍🏼👁🦄🦄🕷🦂🦀🌪🌫🌪🌊🌮🌮🌯🌯🌯🌯🌮🌮🌮🌮 

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