Starting Over Part 1

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Okay loves so I don't know if that chapter was confusing to more people, but basically what happened is Justin would rather "start over", as in acting as if you two are just starting to date again, instead of getting divorce because you're the love of his life and he can't live without you.

You got him wrapped around your finger ;)

Also! The kids in the photo are your twins!

Anyhow! Onto the chapter!


I can't believe I thought of that plan. I can't even sleep in the same bed because I want her trust again. I don't know how I'm not supposed to kiss her or touch her if we're "starting over"

She seems to like this plan, she thinks it's a good idea to just start over as if that never happened.

We had a whole conversation about this just a few days ago

She couldn't keep knowing what I did to her, so she wants to make new memories to overcome what I did to her.

I regret what I did every single day I wake up. I don't even care about her and Chris anymore. All I want is for her to forgive me again.

I laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. I hear her and the boys giggling lightly and I sigh covering my hands with my face.

Am I still able to play with my kids?

A few things kept coming up before our date could happen. Either the kids were sick. She was sick. Chris needed her help with something. It was always something that ruined my plan.

"Justin?" I hear YN say and I look away from the ceiling to see her looking down at me

"Yeah?" I say and sit up quickly and facing her, I hear the boys yelling 'daddy' over and over and YN points to the room

"The kids are calling their daddy for the past four minutes already" she says giggling and I stand up

"Sorry, I was just in my own little world there for awhile" I say and she nods, I walk to the stairs and I hear YN follow behind me.

The boys yelling increasing as they began to whine and jump up and down in their cribs. I quickly jog up the stairs and into the kids room and they smiled and continued to jump up and down, their little baby teeth showing as they smiled.

"Now. Who was calling for daddy?" I ask and Luke and Alex raise their hands saying 'daddy' over and over. "Hhm. I don't know who to choose. How about we let the tickle monster decide!" I say and pick my hands up and their eyes widen and they stop jumping at the same time. "It wants to choose Alex!" I yell and Alex squeals falling back into his bed and I run to his crib and reach for him, he screams as I begin to tickle him.

He squirms around in his crib laughing, his eyes shut tight as his laughing fills the room. Luke starts laughing and jumps up and down looking at his brother move  around. I look at Luke and he stops jumping and a smile spread wide on his face.

"Now it wants Luke!" I yell and he squeals and falls onto his butt and I run to him and start tickling him, he laughs and screams falling back into his bed and squirms around, moving around and grabbing my hands to stop me. I smile at him, seeing his eyes shut tight and his mouth opened from laughing showing his teeth.

"Okay. Okay. The tickle monster is satisfied." I say and pull my arms away and Luke lays there breathing fast looking up at me.

He sits up and I stand back and he and Alex stand up at the same time looking at me. They reach their arms out for me and open and close their hands. I go to Luke and grab under his arms and pick him up and he rests his head on my shoulder. Alex begins to whine and I smile walking to him. I grab him with my free hand and hold him in my arms and like Luke he puts his head against my shoulder. I smile lightly and turn around to see YN looking at me, she was crying lightly as she smiled at me.

I opened my mouth to say something and then our doorbell rung and YN stood up straight and wiped her face and turned around walking to the door. I sighed and followed along her as the boys held onto me tightly. I made it down the stairs and YN opened the door and Chris and Eve walked in hugging her.

"Hey Jay! What's up" he says and I smile at him.

"Hi Justin" Eve says and I smile at her too. Luke and Alex's head shoots up and turn to look back and they see Chris and Eve. She smiles at them and waves them stands next to Chris.

"Ris! Ris" they both call and extend their arms out to him. He smiles and they throw themselves at him and he catches both and holds them in his arms.

He smiles proudly that they wanted to go to him and they hugged him and kissed his cheek. They staid sill for a couple of seconds and then Luke threw himself back and Eve caught him. He crawled into Eve's arms and she giggled and held him. Chris eyed Luke and he stared back and then put his head in Eve's neck.

Chris looked away from him and to Alex and he looked from Chris to Eve and Chris shook his head.

"No. You're staying with me" Chris says and Alex exhales out and wraps his tiny arms around Chris' neck.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask and Chris looks at me and YN

"We're here to take care of the kids of course." He says and I look over at YN to see her eyebrows furrowed together

"What do you mean? Why?" She asks and I look at Chris and he looks at Eve as they smile lightly.

"Jay has told me about this date that hasn't been working out so we thought we'd take care of the boys and you two go out tonight." Chris says and I smile and look down at YN to see her biting down on her lip.

"I don't know Chris. We just found out about this, Justin couldn't possibly plan a whole date in a couple of hours so we can just reschedule again. It's fine." She says shrugging her shoulders and I look down at the floor

"Nope. To bad. You're going. Have a little faith in Justin." Eve says and I look up at her to see her smiling at me, I return the smile and YN sighs "C'mon. I'll even help you get ready." She says again and YN gives in and turns around.

Eve sets Luke down onto the floor and he looks up at her sadly as she giggles and then bops his nose

"I need to help your mommy first." She says and Luke throws his arms up and down smiling.

The girls jog up the stairs and I look over at Chris to see him smiling proudly.

"Dude. How the fuck am I going to plan a whole date in just an hour or so?" I ask him and Chris puts his lips together

"Dude. I have no clue. I've always had a few days to plan it." He says and Alex starts giggling in his arms

"I'm screwed"

Boring ass fucking chapter I'm sorry lovelies but I wanted to update again. I'm gonna write another today and keep writing while I can. I write during school so give me a little time yeah? I'll get it done lovelies.

I hope you all are liking the story so far, I'll try to make it better haha.

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