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The twins are getting older and it feels just like yesterday that they were drinking out of bottles. Now they're drinking out of sippy cups, they have teeth coming in and they're standing. We haven't gotten to walking yet but they crawl and stand up while holding onto something.

I currently made the twins marconi and cheese. I neatly placed a good amount for each twin in different colored bowls. Red for Alex and Blue for Luke. They had choose their own colors weeks ago. Me and Justin placed those two bowls in from of them. Blue was in front of Alex and Red was in front of Luke. But they both switched colors. I placed their food in front of them with a spoon next to it and went to the fridge to get their sippy cups. Giggling was heard and bangs of their spoon were too. I closed the fridge door and turned around to see both twins with cheese all over their faces and the macaroni all over their tables for their high chairs. I smile and mentally face palm for how stupid of an idea that was to just put their food in front of them.

I let them continue eating as I sat in front of them with my own plate of macaroni, Justin went out with Chris for Halloween costumes and decorations. Halloween was coming up and I had no idea what I wanted to be or the twins. I insisted that the boys didn't have to dress up. But Justin said its Halloween and they need to. I watched as Luke grabbed some macaroni in his hand and stuck his hand out to Alex. He opened his mouth and Luke fed it to him and I laughed slightly at how adorable they were. The door opens and I peek my head out to see Justin and Chris with bags in their hands and around their arms. Some in their mouth and they struggled walking through the front door. I giggle lightly as Chris pushes Justin with his foot and Justin stumbles in immediately catching his balance.

I throw my plate away and put my fork in the sink. They drop the bags in the living room and take a deep breathe. Luke and Alex begin to scream playfully as they see their daddy and Justin smiles.

"Did my big boys eat papa?" He coos and they scream more and bang their little hands on their table making the bowl and spoon move around. Chris pushes Justin and he falls into the couch and I laugh.

"Uncle Chris is here too! High fives!" He says standing in front of them and sticking his hands out. They smile and stuck their hand out about to smack his hand but Chris pulls back "maybe not, both of you are all cheesy" he says and they move their arms back and fourth squealing and laughing. I cross my arms over my chest and smile, leaning against the sink as I watch Chris talk to them. Justin finally gets up and comes to the boys.

"I can think of two boys that need a bathey!" He says and the boys smile bigger. Justin takes the table off from Alex's and Chris takes off Luke's. They unbuckle them and place them on the floor and Justin walks to me.

"Hi babe" he says and leans in kissing me lightly and I kiss him back

"Find what you need for Halloween?" I ask him and he smiles bigger and nods his head fast

"Me and Chris found costumes for the boys and I'm so excited to show them to you and have them try them on but you need to take them a bath first" he says and I laugh.

"Oh I need to huh?" I say and he smiles and kisses my cheek and runs away to the living room. Alex crawls to me and grabs onto my leg and pulls himself up and I clap "yayyy Alex" i say and Luke begins to giggle and clap for his brother too. I go and grab their bowls and put them in the sink and Alex goes to Luke and they both begin trying to open the compartment with all the pans in there.

"Luke. Alex. No no no" I say shaking my head and they smile and he and Alex begin to shake their heads back and fourth to say no and I smile. "C'mon babies. Bath time. Come to mommy" I coo and they smile. Luke began to crawl but then stopped and sat there. "C'mon Luke and Alex." I say and they smile again and Luke stands himself up without holding onto anything. My mouth opens slightly and Luke begins to take tiny steps, walking towards me. My eyes go wide and I smile. Alex looks at his brother and copies him. Standing up and taking steps. "Justin! Chris! Get over here! Hurry hurry!" I yell. Luke keeps walking and Alex follows behind him and I hear the boys scramble and run to us. Confused looks on their faces they see Luke and Alex walking and they start cheering and they both smile big enough to see their teeth growing. They both make their way to me and Luke stands in front of me looking up and laughing. He falls to his butt and begins to clap along with Justin and Chris, Alex gets to me and keeps standing up and starts clapping too. Justin and Chris rush over to Luke and Alex picking them up.

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