Starting Over Part 2

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I sat on the chair as I dabbed the lipgloss on my lips. Eve stood behind me and straightened my hair and I looked at myself in the mirror sighing heavily.

"How are things with you and Justin? If you don't mind me asking." She says and I look at her in the mirror and grabbed my mascara opening it.

"I don't know really. I mean. I guess I like this whole idea of "starting over" but I just. I don't know what I'm supposed to do or how I'm supposed to feel about him ch-, ya know." I say and start brushing the mascara brush along my eyelashes and Eve nods

"Well. You love him right?" She asks and I look at her and out my lips together

There's never a time where I don't love him. He's my husband. The father of my children. Our love just doesn't go away. I don't even know if it ever will.

But what if I'm being stupid? Aren't you supposed to dump the person that cheats on you to prevent it from happening again. I'm terrified he will. I don't know if I can survive another one. The worst feeling ever is getting hurt by the one person you never thought would hurt you.

"YN?" Eve says and my eyes shoot up to her, her eyes were on me as she brushed her fingers through my hair

"What?" I ask and she licks her lips and looks down at me

"Do you love him?" She asks again and I look at myself in the mirror.

"I do." I say and she smiles lightly finishing her last strand.

I don't know if I can do this. I love Justin. But I don't know if I will ever get over this pain in my chest. Will it ever get better? Knowing that the love of your life cheated on you. Will that ever just pass by? Will I ever stop hurting so much that when I look at him I don't see a different person. I want to look at him and see my Justin again, but I look at him, and I don't recognize him. I'm so hurt that I cry myself to sleep and beg myself to not go down to him because he's the reason I'm crying.

"Okay. I'll leave you to get dressed." Eve says and I nod my head giving her a small smile.

She leaves the room and I stay there. Looking at myself in the mirror, trying to breathe my way through this. I just need to breathe and I can get through this.

Or maybe I can't.

I don't know if I can go on this date.


"Okay. How do I look?" I ask Chris and he nods his head

"You look good." He says and looks at me.

I breathe in deep. I'm so nervous. I haven't been this nervous since our first date, to when I proposed to her, and to our wedding.

Eve comes down the stairs and she looks at me nodding her head.

"Very nice. You clean up wonderfully." She says and I chuckle. "Now go outside." She says swatting me and I chuckle

"Why am I going outside?" I ask her and she sighs rolling her eyes.

"This is a date meaning the date isn't in her house while she gets ready. They're outside knocking on the door like a gentleman." She says and I sigh and walk to the door. I walk out into the hallway and turn around to see her smile and then close the door on me. I chuckle and fix my shirt and hair.

I hear Eve and Chris yelling YN's name multiple times and I lick my lips.

You can do this Justin.

It went silent and I took that as my cue. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I knocked again and yet again. Nothing. I grab the doorknob and twist it open to not see Chris nor Eve in the living room.

"Guys?" I yell and I hear them shuffling up stairs. I sigh and close the door and walk to the stairs. Maybe something is wrong.

I run up the stairs and I hear Chris and Eve arguing quietly.

"Well where is she then?" Chris says and Eve throws her hands in the air letting them slap against her legs

"I don't know Chris. I left her in here to let her change." She says back and I swallow hard.

"Guys?" I say and Chris turns quickly and Eve stares at me. "Where. Where's YN?" I ask, my throat tightening. I overheard them, but maybe I heard them wrong.

"Jay. We. We don't know Jay." Chris says and I shake my head. I hear the front door slam and I jump.

The apartment was silent. It's never silent with twin boys.

"Where are the kids?" I ask my voice raising slightly and Eve runs into the boys room and I run downstairs. I look around downstairs to see they're not here.

"Justin. She took them." Chris says running down the stairs and I fill sadness yet anger fill me up. I run to the door and look at the little key holder that hung on our wall. Our car keys where gone and my jaw clenched together tight. I swing open the door and run to the elevator.

I have to catch up to her. The elevator is gonna take forever. I run to the stairs and grip tight of the rail running all the way down, being thankful were only on the third floor. I pushed the exit door open and ran out of the complex as fast as I could. Our parked car in front of the complex was no longer there. I ran my hands through my hair and looked from left to right seeing no one. Nothing. Not even a single car driving off.

I felt my eyes begin to sting and put my lips together gripping onto my hair and squatting down, the cold December breeze passing me.

She left me.

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